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42 draw

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42.1 Introduction to draw

draw is a Maxima-Gnuplot interface.

There are three main functions to be used at Maxima level: draw2d, draw3d and draw.

Follow this link for more elaborated examples of this package:


You need Gnuplot 4.2 or newer to run this program.

42.2 Functions and Variables for draw

42.2.1 Scenes

Scene constructor: gr2d (graphic option, …, graphic object, …)

Function gr2d builds an object describing a 2D scene. Arguments are graphic options, graphic objects, or lists containing both graphic options and objects. This scene is interpreted sequentially: graphic options affect those graphic objects placed on its right. Some graphic options affect the global appearence of the scene.

This is the list of graphic objects available for scenes in two dimensions:

bars, ellipse, explicit, image, implicit, label, parametric, points, polar, polygon, quadrilateral, rectangle, triangle, vector, and geomap (this one defined in package worldmap).

See also draw and draw2d. To make use of this object, write first load("draw").

Scene constructor: gr3d (graphic option, …, graphic object, …)

Function gr3d builds an object describing a 3d scene. Arguments are graphic options, graphic objects, or lists containing both graphic options and objects. This scene is interpreted sequentially: graphic options affect those graphic objects placed on its right. Some graphic options affect the global appearence of the scene.

This is the list of graphic objects available for scenes in three dimensions:

cylindrical, elevation_grid, explicit, implicit, label, mesh, parametric, parametric_surface, points, quadrilateral, spherical, triangle, tube, vector, and geomap (this one defined in package worldmap).

See also draw and draw3d. To make use of this object, write first load("draw").

42.2.2 Functions

Function: draw (gr2d, …, gr3d, …, options, …)

Plots a series of scenes; its arguments are gr2d and/or gr3d objects, together with some options, or lists of scenes and options. By default, the scenes are put together in one column.

Function draw accepts the following global options: terminal, columns, dimensions, file_name and delay.

Functions draw2d and draw3d are short cuts to be used when only one scene is required, in two or three dimensions, respectively.

See also gr2d and gr3d. To make use of this function, write first load("draw").


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) scene1: gr2d(title="Ellipse",
(%i3) scene2: gr2d(title="Triangle",
(%i4) draw(scene1, scene2, columns = 2)$

The two draw sentences are equivalent:

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw(gr3d(explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1)));
(%o2)                          [gr3d(explicit)]
(%i3) draw3d(explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1));
(%o3)                          [gr3d(explicit)]

An animated gif file:

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw(
        delay     = 100,
        file_name = "zzz",
        terminal  = 'animated_gif,
End of animation sequence
(%o2)          [gr2d(explicit), gr2d(explicit), gr2d(explicit)]

See also gr2d, gr3d, draw2d and draw3d.

Function: draw2d (option, graphic_object, …)

This function is a short cut for draw(gr2d(options, ..., graphic_object, ...)).

It can be used to plot a unique scene in 2d.

To make use of this function, write first load("draw").

See also draw and gr2d.

Function: draw3d (option, graphic_object, …)

This function is a short cut for draw(gr3d(options, ..., graphic_object, ...)).

It can be used to plot a unique scene in 3d.

To make use of this function, write first load("draw").

See also draw and gr3d.

Function: draw_file (graphic option, …, graphic object, …)

Saves the current plot into a file. Accepted graphics options are: terminal, dimensions, file_name and background_color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) /* screen plot */
(%i3) /* same plot in eps format */
      draw_file(terminal  = eps,
                dimensions = [5,5]) $
Function: multiplot_mode (term)

This function enables Maxima to work in one-window multiplot mode with terminal term; accepted arguments for this function are screen, wxt, aquaterm and none.

When multiplot mode is enabled, each call to draw sends a new plot to the same window, without erasing the previous ones. To disable the multiplot mode, write multiplot_mode(none).

When multiplot mode is enabled, global option terminal is blocked and you have to disable this working mode before changing to another terminal.

This feature does not work in Windows platforms.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) set_draw_defaults(
         xrange = [-1,1],
         yrange = [-1,1],
         grid   = true,
         title  = "Step by step plot" )$
(%i3) multiplot_mode(screen)$
(%i4) draw2d(color=blue,  explicit(x^2,x,-1,1))$
(%i5) draw2d(color=red,   explicit(x^3,x,-1,1))$
(%i6) draw2d(color=brown, explicit(x^4,x,-1,1))$
(%i7) multiplot_mode(none)$
Function: set_draw_defaults (graphic option, …, graphic object, …)

Sets user graphics options. This function is useful for plotting a sequence of graphics with common graphics options. Calling this function without arguments removes user defaults.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) set_draw_defaults(
         xrange = [-10,10],
         yrange = [-2, 2],
         color  = blue,
         grid   = true)$
(%i3) /* plot with user defaults */
(%i4) set_draw_defaults()$
(%i5) /* plot with standard defaults */

To make use of this function, write first load("draw").

42.2.3 Graphics options

Graphic option: adapt_depth

Default value: 10

adapt_depth is the maximum number of splittings used by the adaptive plotting routine.

This option is relevant only for 2d explicit functions.

Graphic option: axis_3d

Default value: true

If axis_3d is true, the x, y and z axis are shown in 3d scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(axis_3d = false,
             explicit(sin(x^2+y^2),x,-2,2,y,-2,2) )$

See also axis_bottom, axis_left, axis_top, and axis_right for axis in 2d.

Graphic option: axis_bottom

Default value: true

If axis_bottom is true, the bottom axis is shown in 2d scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(axis_bottom = false,

See also axis_left, axis_top, axis_right, and axis_3d.

Graphic option: axis_left

Default value: true

If axis_left is true, the left axis is shown in 2d scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(axis_left = false,

See also axis_bottom, axis_top, axis_right, and axis_3d.

Graphic option: axis_right

Default value: true

If axis_right is true, the right axis is shown in 2d scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(axis_right = false,

See also axis_bottom, axis_left, axis_top, and axis_3d.

Graphic option: axis_top

Default value: true

If axis_top is true, the top axis is shown in 2d scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(axis_top = false,

See also axis_bottom, axis_left, axis_right, and axis_3d.

Graphic option: background_color

Default value: white

Sets the background color for terminals gif, png, jpg, and gif. Default background color is white.

This option das not work with terminals epslatex and epslatex_standalone.

See also color.

Graphic option: border

Default value: true

If border is true, borders of polygons are painted according to line_type and line_width.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: polygon, rectangle, and ellipse.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(color       = brown,
             line_width  = 8,
             border      = false,
             fill_color  = blue,
             polygon([[5,2],[9,2],[7,5]]) )$
Graphic option: cbrange

Default value: auto

If cbrange is auto, the range for the values which are colored when enhanced3d is not false is computed automatically. Values outside of the color range use color of the nearest extreme.

When enhanced3d or colorbox is false, option cbrange has no effect.

If the user wants a specific interval for the colored values, it must be given as a Maxima list, as in cbrange=[-2, 3].

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d (
        enhanced3d     = true,
        color          = green,
        cbrange = [-3,10],
        explicit(x^2+y^2, x,-2,2,y,-2,2)) $

See also enhanced3d, colorbox and cbtics.

Graphic option: cbtics

Default value: auto

This graphic option controls the way tic marks are drawn on the colorbox when option enhanced3d is not false.

When enhanced3d or colorbox is false, option cbtics has no effect.

See xtics for a complete description.

Example :

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d (
        enhanced3d = true,
        color      = green,
        cbtics  = {["High",10],["Medium",05],["Low",0]},
        cbrange = [0, 10],
        explicit(x^2+y^2, x,-2,2,y,-2,2)) $

See also enhanced3d, colorbox and cbrange.

Graphic option: color

Default value: blue

color specifies the color for plotting lines, points, borders of polygons and labels.

Colors can be given as names or in hexadecimal rgb code.

Available color names are:

white            black            gray0            grey0 
gray10           grey10           gray20           grey20     
gray30           grey30           gray40           grey40     
gray50           grey50           gray60           grey60     
gray70           grey70           gray80           grey80
gray90           grey90           gray100          grey100 
gray             grey             light_gray       light_grey 
dark_gray        dark_grey        red              light_red 
dark_red         yellow           light_yellow     dark_yellow
green            light_green      dark_green       spring_green
forest_green     sea_green        blue             light_blue 
dark_blue        midnight_blue    navy             medium_blue 
royalblue        skyblue          cyan             light_cyan 
dark_cyan        magenta          light_magenta    dark_magenta
turquoise        light_turquoise  dark_turquoise   pink 
light_pink       dark_pink        coral            light_coral 
orange_red       salmon           light_salmon     dark_salmon 
aquamarine       khaki            dark_khaki       goldenrod 
light_goldenrod  dark_goldenrod   gold             beige 
brown            orange           dark_orange      violet 
dark_violet      plum             purple

Cromatic componentes in hexadecimal code are introduced in the form "#rrggbb".


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^2,x,-1,1), /* default is black */
             color = red,
             explicit(0.5 + x^2,x,-1,1),
             color = blue,
             explicit(1 + x^2,x,-1,1),
             color = light_blue,
             explicit(1.5 + x^2,x,-1,1),
             color = "#23ab0f",
             label(["This is a label",0,1.2])  )$

See also fill_color.

Graphic option: colorbox

Default value: true

If colorbox is true, a color scale without label is drawn together with image 2D objects, or coloured 3d objects. If colorbox is false, no color scale is shown. If colorbox is a string, a color scale with label is drawn.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


Color scale and images.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) im: apply('matrix,
(%i3) draw2d(image(im,0,0,30,30))$
(%i4) draw2d(colorbox = false, image(im,0,0,30,30))$

Color scale and 3D coloured object.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        colorbox   = "Magnitude",
        enhanced3d = true,

See also palette.

Graphic option: columns

Default value: 1

columns is the number of columns in multiple plots.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter. It can be also used as an argument of function draw.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) scene1: gr2d(title="Ellipse",
(%i3) scene2: gr2d(title="Triangle",
(%i4) draw(scene1, scene2, columns = 2)$
Graphic option: contour

Default value: none

Option contour enables the user to select where to plot contour lines. Possible values are:

  • none: no contour lines are plotted.
  • base: contour lines are projected on the xy plane.
  • surface: contour lines are plotted on the surface.
  • both: two contour lines are plotted: on the xy plane and on the surface.
  • map: contour lines are projected on the xy plane, and the view point is set just in the vertical.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(explicit(20*exp(-x^2-y^2)-10,x,0,2,y,-3,3),
             contour_levels = 15,
             contour        = both,
             surface_hide   = true) $
Graphic option: contour_levels

Default value: 5

This graphic option controls the way contours are drawn. contour_levels can be set to a positive integer number, a list of three numbers or an arbitrary set of numbers:

  • When option contour_levels is bounded to positive integer n, n contour lines will be drawn at equal intervals. By default, five equally spaced contours are plotted.
  • When option contour_levels is bounded to a list of length three of the form [lowest,s,highest], contour lines are plotted from lowest to highest in steps of s.
  • When option contour_levels is bounded to a set of numbers of the form {n1, n2, ...}, contour lines are plotted at values n1, n2, …

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


Ten equally spaced contour lines. The actual number of levels can be adjusted to give simple labels.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(color = green,
             contour_levels = 10,
             contour        = both,
             surface_hide   = true) $

From -8 to 8 in steps of 4.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(color = green,
             contour_levels = [-8,4,8],
             contour        = both,
             surface_hide   = true) $

Isolines at levels -7, -6, 0.8 and 5.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(color = green,
             contour_levels = {-7, -6, 0.8, 5},
             contour        = both,
             surface_hide   = true) $

See also contour.

Graphic option: data_file_name

Default value: "data.gnuplot"

This is the name of the file with the numeric data needed by Gnuplot to build the requested plot.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter. It can be also used as an argument of function draw.

See example in gnuplot_file_name.

Graphic option: delay

Default value: 5

This is the delay in 1/100 seconds of frames in animated gif files.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter. It can be also used as an argument of function draw.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw(
        delay     = 100,
        file_name = "zzz",
        terminal  = 'animated_gif,
End of animation sequence
(%o2)          [gr2d(explicit), gr2d(explicit), gr2d(explicit)]

Option delay is only active in animated gif’s; it is ignored in any other case.

See also terminal, dimensions.

Graphic option: dimensions

Default value: [600,500]

Dimensions of the output terminal. Its value is a list formed by the width and the height. The meaning of the two numbers depends on the terminal you are working with.

With terminals gif, animated_gif, png, jpg, svg, screen, wxt, and aquaterm, the integers represent the number of points in each direction. If they are not intergers, they are rounded.

With terminals eps, eps_color, pdf, and pdfcairo, both numbers represent hundredths of cm, which means that, by default, pictures in these formats are 6 cm in width and 5 cm in height.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter. It can be also used as an argument of function draw.


Option dimensions applied to file output and to wxt canvas.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        dimensions = [300,300],
        terminal   = 'png,
        explicit(x^4,x,-1,1)) $
(%i3) draw2d(
        dimensions = [300,300],
        terminal   = 'wxt,
        explicit(x^4,x,-1,1)) $

Option dimensions applied to eps output. We want an eps file with A4 portrait dimensions.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) A4portrait: 100*[21, 29.7]$
(%i3) draw3d(
        dimensions = A4portrait,
        terminal   = 'eps,
        explicit(x^2-y^2,x,-2,2,y,-2,2)) $
Graphic option: draw_realpart

Default value: true

When true, functions to be drawn are considered as complex functions whose real part value should be plotted; when false, nothing will be plotted when the function does not give a real value.

This option affects objects explicit and parametric in 2D and 3D, and parametric_surface.


Option draw_realpart affects objects explicit and parametric.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        draw_realpart = false,
        explicit(sqrt(x^2  - 4*x) - x, x, -1, 5),
        color         = red,
        draw_realpart = true,
        parametric(x,sqrt(x^2  - 4*x) - x + 1, x, -1, 5) );
Graphic option: enhanced3d

Default value: none

If enhanced3d is none, surfaces are not colored in 3D plots. In order to get a colored surface, a list must be assigned to option enhanced3d, where the first element is an expression and the rest are the names of the variables or parameters used in that expression. A list such [f(x,y,z), x, y, z] means that point [x,y,z] of the surface is assigned number f(x,y,z), which will be colored according to the actual palette. For those 3D graphic objects defined in terms of parameters, it is possible to define the color number in terms of the parameters, as in [f(u), u], as in objects parametric and tube, or [f(u,v), u, v], as in object parametric_surface. While all 3D objects admit the model based on absolute coordinates, [f(x,y,z), x, y, z], only two of them, namely explicit and elevation_grid, accept also models defined on the [x,y] coordinates, [f(x,y), x, y]. 3D graphic object implicit accepts only the [f(x,y,z), x, y, z] model. Object points accepts also the [f(x,y,z), x, y, z] model, but when points have a chronological nature, model [f(k), k] is also valid, being k an ordering parameter.

When enhanced3d is assigned something different to none, options color and surface_hide are ignored.

The names of the variables defined in the lists may be different to those used in the definitions of the graphic objects.

In order to maintain back compatibility, enhanced3d = false is equivalent to enhanced3d = none, and enhanced3d = true is equivalent to enhanced3d = [z, x, y, z]. If an expression is given to enhanced3d, its variables must be the same used in the surface definition. This is not necessary when using lists.

See option palette to learn how palettes are specified.


explicit object with coloring defined by the [f(x,y,z), x, y, z] model.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         enhanced3d = [x-z/10,x,y,z],
         palette    = gray,

explicit object with coloring defined by the [f(x,y), x, y] model. The names of the variables defined in the lists may be different to those used in the definitions of the graphic objects; in this case, r corresponds to x, and s to y.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         enhanced3d = [sin(r*s),r,s],

parametric object with coloring defined by the [f(x,y,z), x, y, z] model.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         nticks = 100,
         line_width = 2,
         enhanced3d = [if y>= 0 then 1 else 0, x, y, z],
         parametric(sin(u)^2,cos(u),u,u,0,4*%pi)) $

parametric object with coloring defined by the [f(u), u] model. In this case, (u-1)^2 is a shortcut for [(u-1)^2,u].

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         nticks = 60,
         line_width = 3,
         enhanced3d = (u-1)^2,

elevation_grid object with coloring defined by the [f(x,y), x, y] model.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) m: apply(
           makelist(makelist(cos(i^2/80-k/30),k,1,30),i,1,20)) $
(%i3) draw3d(
         enhanced3d = [cos(x*y*10),x,y],
         xlabel = "x",
         ylabel = "y");

tube object with coloring defined by the [f(x,y,z), x, y, z] model.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         enhanced3d = [cos(x-y),x,y,z],
         palette = gray,
         xu_grid = 50,
         tube(cos(a), a, 0, 1, a, 0, 4*%pi) )$

tube object with coloring defined by the [f(u), u] model. Here, enhanced3d = -a would be the shortcut for enhanced3d = [-foo,foo].

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         capping = [open, closed],
         palette = [26,15,-2],
         enhanced3d = [-foo, foo],
         tube(a, a, a^2, 1, a, -2, 2) )$

implicit and points objects with coloring defined by the [f(x,y,z), x, y, z] model.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         enhanced3d = [x-y,x,y,z],
                  x,-1,1,y,-1.2,2.3,z,-1,1)) $
(%i3) m: makelist([random(1.0),random(1.0),random(1.0)],k,1,2000)$
(%i4) draw3d(
         point_type = filled_circle,
         point_size = 2,
         enhanced3d = [u+v-w,u,v,w],
         points(m) ) $

When points have a chronological nature, model [f(k), k] is also valid, being k an ordering parameter.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) m:makelist([random(1.0), random(1.0), random(1.0)],k,1,5)$
(%i3) draw3d(
         enhanced3d = [sin(j), j],
         point_size = 3,
         point_type = filled_circle,
         points_joined = true,
         points(m)) $
Graphic option: error_type

Default value: y

Depending on its value, which can be x, y, or xy, graphic object errors will draw points with horizontal, vertical, or both, error bars. When error_type=boxes, boxes will be drawn instead of crosses.

See also errors.

Graphic option: file_name

Default value: "maxima_out"

This is the name of the file where terminals png, jpg, gif, eps, eps_color, pdf, pdfcairo and svg will save the graphic.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter. It can be also used as an argument of function draw.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(file_name = "myfile",
             terminal  = 'png)$

See also terminal, dimensions.

Graphic option: fill_color

Default value: "red"

fill_color specifies the color for filling polygons and 2d explicit functions.

See color to learn how colors are specified.

Graphic option: fill_density

Default value: 0

fill_density is a number between 0 and 1 that specifies the intensity of the fill_color in bars objects.

See bars for examples.

Graphic option: filled_func

Default value: false

Option filled_func controls how regions limited by functions should be filled. When filled_func is true, the region bounded by the function defined with object explicit and the bottom of the graphic window is filled with fill_color. When filled_func contains a function expression, then the region bounded by this function and the function defined with object explicit will be filled. By default, explicit functions are not filled.

This option affects only the 2d graphic object explicit.


Region bounded by an explicit object and the bottom of the graphic window.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(fill_color  = red,
             filled_func = true,
             explicit(sin(x),x,0,10) )$

Region bounded by an explicit object and the function defined by option filled_func. Note that the variable in filled_func must be the same as that used in explicit.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(fill_color  = grey,
             filled_func = sin(x),

See also fill_color and explicit.

Graphic option: font

Default value: "" (empty string)

This option can be used to set the font face to be used by the terminal. Only one font face and size can be used throughout the plot.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

See also font_size

Gnuplot doesn’t handle fonts by itself, it leaves this task to the support libraries of the different terminals, each one with its own philosophy about it. A brief summary follows:

  • x11: Uses the normal x11 font server mechanism.


    (%i1) load("draw")$
    (%i2) draw2d(font      = "Arial", 
                 font_size = 20,
                 label(["Arial font, size 20",1,1]))$
  • windows: The windows terminal doesn’t support changing of fonts from inside the plot. Once the plot has been generated, the font can be changed right-clicking on the menu of the graph window.
  • png, jpeg, gif: The libgd library uses the font path stored in the environment variable GDFONTPATH; in this case, it is only necessary to set option font to the font’s name. It is also possible to give the complete path to the font file.


    Option font can be given the complete path to the font file:

    (%i1) load("draw")$
    (%i2) path: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/" $
    (%i3) file: "FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf" $
    (%i4) draw2d(
            font      = concat(path, file), 
            font_size = 20,
            color     = red,
            label(["FreeSerifBoldItalic font, size 20",1,1]),
            terminal  = png)$

    If environment variable GDFONTPATH is set to the path where font files are allocated, it is possible to set graphic option font to the name of the font.

    (%i1) load("draw")$
    (%i2) draw2d(
            font      = "FreeSerifBoldItalic", 
            font_size = 20,
            color     = red,
            label(["FreeSerifBoldItalic font, size 20",1,1]),
            terminal  = png)$
  • Postscript: Standard Postscript fonts are:

    "Times-Roman", "Times-Italic", "Times-Bold", "Times-BoldItalic", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetic-BoldOblique", "Courier", "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-Bold", and "Courier-BoldOblique".


    (%i1) load("draw")$
    (%i2) draw2d(
            font      = "Courier-Oblique", 
            font_size = 15,
            label(["Courier-Oblique font, size 15",1,1]),
            terminal = eps)$
  • pdf: Uses same fonts as Postscript.
  • pdfcairo: Uses same fonts as wxt.
  • wxt: The pango library finds fonts via the fontconfig utility.
  • aqua: Default is "Times-Roman".

The gnuplot documentation is an important source of information about terminals and fonts.

Graphic option: font_size

Default value: 10

This option can be used to set the font size to be used by the terminal. Only one font face and size can be used throughout the plot. font_size is active only when option font is not equal to the empty string.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

See also font.

Graphic option: gnuplot_file_name

Default value: "maxout.gnuplot"

This is the name of the file with the necessary commands to be processed by Gnuplot.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter. It can be also used as an argument of function draw.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
       file_name = "my_file",
       gnuplot_file_name = "my_commands_for_gnuplot",
       data_file_name    = "my_data_for_gnuplot",
       terminal          = png,
       explicit(x^2,x,-1,1)) $

See also data_file_name.

Graphic option: grid

Default value: false

If grid is true, a grid will be drawn on the xy plane.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(grid = true,
Graphic option: head_angle

Default value: 45

head_angle indicates the angle, in degrees, between the arrow heads and the segment.

This option is relevant only for vector objects.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange      = [0,10],
             yrange      = [0,9],
             head_length = 0.7,
             head_angle  = 10,
             head_angle  = 20,
             head_angle  = 30,
             head_angle  = 40,
             head_angle  = 60,
             head_angle  = 90,
             head_angle  = 120,
             head_angle  = 160,
             head_angle  = 180,
             vector([9,1],[0,6]) )$

See also head_both, head_length, and head_type.

Graphic option: head_both

Default value: false

If head_both is true, vectors are plotted with two arrow heads. If false, only one arrow is plotted.

This option is relevant only for vector objects.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange      = [0,8],
             yrange      = [0,8],
             head_length = 0.7,
             head_both   = true,
             vector([1,7],[6,0]) )$

See also head_length, head_angle, and head_type.

Graphic option: head_length

Default value: 2

head_length indicates, in x-axis units, the length of arrow heads.

This option is relevant only for vector objects.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange      = [0,12],
             yrange      = [0,8],
             head_length = 1,
             head_length = 0.5,
             head_length = 0.25,

See also head_both, head_angle, and head_type.

Graphic option: head_type

Default value: filled

head_type is used to specify how arrow heads are plotted. Possible values are: filled (closed and filled arrow heads), empty (closed but not filled arrow heads), and nofilled (open arrow heads).

This option is relevant only for vector objects.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange      = [0,12],
             yrange      = [0,10],
             head_length = 1,
             vector([0,1],[5,5]), /* default type */
             head_type = 'empty,
             head_type = 'nofilled,

See also head_both, head_angle, and head_length.

Graphic option: ip_grid

Default value: [50, 50]

ip_grid sets the grid for the first sampling in implicit plots.

This option is relevant only for implicit objects.

Graphic option: ip_grid_in

Default value: [5, 5]

ip_grid_in sets the grid for the second sampling in implicit plots.

This option is relevant only for implicit objects.

Graphic option: key

Default value: "" (empty string)

key is the name of a function in the legend. If key is an empty string, no key is assigned to the function.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: points, polygon, rectangle, ellipse, vector, explicit, implicit, parametric, and polar.
  • gr3d: points, explicit, parametric, and parametric_surface.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(key   = "Sinus",
             key   = "Cosinus",
             color = red,
             explicit(cos(x),x,0,10) )$
Graphic option: label_alignment

Default value: center

label_alignment is used to specify where to write labels with respect to the given coordinates. Possible values are: center, left, and right.

This option is relevant only for label objects.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange          = [0,10],
             yrange          = [0,10],
             points_joined   = true,
             color           = blue,
             label(["Centered alignment (default)",5,2]),
             label_alignment = 'left,
             label(["Left alignment",5,5]),
             label_alignment = 'right,
             label(["Right alignment",5,8]))$

See also label_orientation, and color.

Graphic option: label_orientation

Default value: horizontal

label_orientation is used to specify orientation of labels. Possible values are: horizontal, and vertical.

This option is relevant only for label objects.


In this example, a dummy point is added to get an image. Package draw needs always data to draw an scene.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange     = [0,10],
             yrange     = [0,10],
             point_size = 0,
             color      = navy,
             label(["Horizontal orientation (default)",5,2]),
             label_orientation = 'vertical,
             color             = "#654321",
             label(["Vertical orientation",1,5]))$

See also label_alignment and color.

Graphic option: line_type

Default value: solid

line_type indicates how lines are displayed; possible values are solid and dots.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: points, polygon, rectangle, ellipse, vector, explicit, implicit, parametric and polar.
  • gr3d: points, explicit, parametric and parametric_surface.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(line_type = dots,
             explicit(1 + x^2,x,-1,1),
             line_type = solid, /* default */
             explicit(2 + x^2,x,-1,1))$

See also line_width.

Graphic option: line_width

Default value: 1

line_width is the width of plotted lines. Its value must be a positive number.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: points, polygon, rectangle, ellipse, vector, explicit, implicit, parametric and polar.
  • gr3d: points and parametric.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^2,x,-1,1), /* default width */
             line_width = 5.5,
             explicit(1 + x^2,x,-1,1),
             line_width = 10,
             explicit(2 + x^2,x,-1,1))$

See also line_type.

Graphic option: logcb

Default value: false

If logcb is true, the tics in the colorbox will be drawn in the logarithmic scale.

When enhanced3d or colorbox is false, option logcb has no effect.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d (
        enhanced3d = true,
        color      = green,
        logcb = true,
        logz  = true,
        palette = [-15,24,-9],
        explicit(exp(x^2-y^2), x,-2,2,y,-2,2)) $

See also enhanced3d, colorbox and cbrange.

Graphic option: logx

Default value: false

If logx is true, the x axis will be drawn in the logarithmic scale.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(log(x),x,0.01,5),
             logx = true)$

See also logy and logz.

Graphic option: logy

Default value: false

If logy is true, the y axis will be drawn in the logarithmic scale.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(logy = true,

See also logx and logz.

Graphic option: logz

Default value: false

If logz is true, the z axis will be drawn in the logarithmic scale.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(logz = true,

See also logx and logy.

Graphic option: nticks

Default value: 29

In 2d, nticks gives the initial number of points used by the adaptive plotting routine for explicit objects. It is also the number of points that will be shown in parametric and polar curves.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: ellipse, explicit, parametric and polar.
  • gr3d: parametric.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(transparent = true,
             nticks = 5,
             ellipse(0,0,4,2,180,180) )$
Graphic option: palette

Default value: color

palette indicates how to map gray levels onto color components. It works together with option enhanced3d in 3D graphics, who associates every point of a surfaces to a real number or gray level. It also works with gray images. With palette, levels are transformed into colors.

There are two ways for defining these transformations.

First, palette can be a vector of length three with components ranging from -36 to +36; each value is an index for a formula mapping the levels onto red, green and blue colors, respectively:

 0: 0               1: 0.5           2: 1
 3: x               4: x^2           5: x^3
 6: x^4             7: sqrt(x)       8: sqrt(sqrt(x))
 9: sin(90x)       10: cos(90x)     11: |x-0.5|
12: (2x-1)^2       13: sin(180x)    14: |cos(180x)|
15: sin(360x)      16: cos(360x)    17: |sin(360x)|
18: |cos(360x)|    19: |sin(720x)|  20: |cos(720x)|
21: 3x             22: 3x-1         23: 3x-2
24: |3x-1|         25: |3x-2|       26: (3x-1)/2 
27: (3x-2)/2       28: |(3x-1)/2|   29: |(3x-2)/2|
30: x/0.32-0.78125 31: 2*x-0.84     32: 4x;1;-2x+1.84;x/0.08-11.5
33: |2*x - 0.5|    34: 2*x          35: 2*x - 0.5
36: 2*x - 1

negative numbers mean negative colour component. palette = gray and palette = color are short cuts for palette = [3,3,3] and palette = [7,5,15], respectively.

Second, palette can be a user defined lookup table. In this case, the format for building a lookup table of length n is palette = [color_1, color_2, ..., color_n], where color_i is a well formed color (see option color), such that color_1 is assigned to the lowest gray level and color_n to the highest. The rest of colors are interpolated.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


It works together with option enhanced3d in 3D graphics.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        enhanced3d = [z-x+2*y,x,y,z],
        palette = [32, -8, 17],

It also works with gray images.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) im: apply(
(%i3) /* palette = color, default */
(%i4) draw2d(palette = gray, image(im,0,0,30,30))$
(%i5) draw2d(palette = [15,20,-4],

palette can be a user defined lookup table. In this example, low values of x are colored in red, and higher values in yellow.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
         palette = [red, blue, yellow],
         enhanced3d = x,
         explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1)) $

See also colorbox and enhanced3d.

Graphic option: point_size

Default value: 1

point_size sets the size for plotted points. It must be a non negative number.

This option has no effect when graphic option point_type is set to dot.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: points.
  • gr3d: points.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(points(makelist([random(20),random(50)],k,1,10)),
        point_size = 5,
Graphic option: point_type

Default value: 1

point_type indicates how isolated points are displayed; the value of this option can be any integer index greater or equal than -1, or the name of a point style: $none (-1), dot (0), plus (1), multiply (2), asterisk (3), square (4), filled_square (5), circle (6), filled_circle (7), up_triangle (8), filled_up_triangle (9), down_triangle (10), filled_down_triangle (11), diamant (12) and filled_diamant (13).

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: points.
  • gr3d: points.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange = [0,10],
             yrange = [0,10],
             point_size = 3,
             point_type = diamant,
             point_type = filled_down_triangle,
             point_type = asterisk,
             point_type = filled_diamant,
             point_type = 5,
             point_type = 6,
             point_type = filled_circle,
             point_type = 8,
             point_type = filled_diamant,
             points([[1,9],[5,9],[9,9]]) )$
Graphic option: points_joined

Default value: false

When points_joined is true, points are joined by lines; when false, isolated points are drawn. A third possible value for this graphic option is impulses; in such case, vertical segments are drawn from points to the x-axis (2D) or to the xy-plane (3D).

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: points.
  • gr3d: points.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange        = [0,10],
             yrange        = [0,4],
             point_size    = 3,
             point_type    = up_triangle,
             color         = blue,
             points_joined = true,
             point_type    = square,
             line_type     = dots,
             point_type    = circle,
             color         = red,
             line_width    = 7,
             points([[1,3],[5,3],[9,3]]) )$
Graphic option: proportional_axes

Default value: none

When proportional_axes is equal to xy or xyz, a 2D or 3D scene will be drawn with axes proportional to their relative lengths.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

This option works with Gnuplot version 4.2.6 or greater.


Single 2D plot.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        color = blue,
        line_width = 4,
        proportional_axes = xy) $


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw(
        terminal = wxt,
        gr2d(proportional_axes = xy,
             xrange = [0,1],
             yrange = [0,2],
Graphic option: surface_hide

Default value: false

If surface_hide is true, hidden parts are not plotted in 3d surfaces.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw(columns=2,
           gr3d(surface_hide = true,
                explicit(exp(sin(x)+cos(x^2)),x,-3,3,y,-3,3)) )$
Graphic option: terminal

Default value: screen

Selects the terminal to be used by Gnuplot; possible values are: screen (default), png, pngcairo, jpg, eps, eps_color, pdf, pdfcairo, gif, animated_gif, wxt, svg, and aquaterm.

Terminals screen, wxt and aquaterm can be also defined as a list with two elements: the name of the terminal itself and a non negative integer number. In this form, multiple windows can be opened at the same time, each with its corresponding number. This feature does not work in Windows platforms.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter. It can be also used as an argument of function draw.

N.B. pdfcairo requires Gnuplot 4.3 or newer. pdf requires Gnuplot to be compiled with the option --enable-pdf and libpdf must be installed. The pdf library is available from: http://www.pdflib.com/en/download/pdflib-family/pdflib-lite/


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) /* screen terminal (default) */
(%i3) /* png file */
      draw2d(terminal  = 'png,
(%i4) /* jpg file */
      draw2d(terminal   = 'jpg,
             dimensions = [300,300],
(%i5) /* eps file */
      draw2d(file_name = "myfile",
             terminal  = 'eps)$
(%i6) /* pdf file */
      draw2d(file_name = "mypdf",
             dimensions = 100*[12.0,8.0],
             terminal  = 'pdf)$
(%i7) /* wxwidgets window */
             terminal  = 'wxt)$

Multiple windows.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^5,x,-2,2), terminal=[screen, 3])$
(%i3) draw2d(explicit(x^2,x,-2,2), terminal=[screen, 0])$

An animated gif file.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw(
        delay     = 100,
        file_name = "zzz",
        terminal  = 'animated_gif,
End of animation sequence
(%o2)          [gr2d(explicit), gr2d(explicit), gr2d(explicit)]

Option delay is only active in animated gif’s; it is ignored in any other case.

See also file_name, dimensions and delay.

Graphic option: title

Default value: "" (empty string)

Option title, a string, is the main title for the scene. By default, no title is written.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(exp(u),u,-2,2),
             title = "Exponential function")$
Graphic option: transform

Default value: none

If transform is none, the space is not transformed and graphic objects are drawn as defined. When a space transformation is desired, a list must be assigned to option transform. In case of a 2D scene, the list takes the form [f1(x,y), f2(x,y), x, y]. In case of a 3D scene, the list is of the form [f1(x,y,z), f2(x,y,z), f3(x,y,z), x, y, z].

The names of the variables defined in the lists may be different to those used in the definitions of the graphic objects.


Rotation in 2D.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) th : %pi / 4$
(%i3) draw2d(
        color = "#e245f0",
        proportional_axes = 'xy,
        line_width = 8,
        border     = false,
        fill_color = yellow,
        transform  = [cos(th)*x - sin(th)*y,
                      sin(th)*x + cos(th)*y, x, y],
        triangle([3,2],[7,2],[5,5]) )$

Translation in 3D.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        color     = "#a02c00",
        transform = [x+10,y+10,z+10,x,y,z],
        color     = blue,
        explicit(20*exp(-x^2-y^2)-10,x,-3,3,y,-3,3) )$
Graphic option: transparent

Default value: false

If transparent is false, interior regions of polygons are filled according to fill_color.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr2d: polygon, rectangle, and ellipse.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(polygon([[3,2],[7,2],[5,5]]),
             transparent = true,
             color       = blue,
             polygon([[5,2],[9,2],[7,5]]) )$
Graphic option: capping

Default value: [open, open]

A list with two possible elements, open and closed, indicating whether the extremes of a graphic object tube remain open or must be closed. By default, both extremes are left open.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        capping = [open, closed],
        tube(0, 0, a, 1,
             a, 0, 8) )$
Graphic option: unit_vectors

Default value: false

If unit_vectors is true, vectors are plotted with module 1. This is useful for plotting vector fields. If unit_vectors is false, vectors are plotted with its original length.

This option is relevant only for vector objects.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange      = [-1,6],
             yrange      = [-1,6],
             head_length = 0.1,
             unit_vectors = true,
             color        = red,
Graphic option: user_preamble

Default value: "" (empty string)

Expert Gnuplot users can make use of this option to fine tune Gnuplot’s behaviour by writing settings to be sent before the plot or splot command.

The value of this option must be a string or a list of strings (one per line).

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


The dumb terminal is not supported by package draw, but it is possible to set it by making use of option user_preamble,

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(exp(x)-1,x,-1,1),
             user_preamble="set terminal dumb")$
Graphic option: view

Default value: [60,30]

A pair of angles, measured in degrees, indicating the view direction in a 3D scene. The first angle is the vertical rotation around the x axis, in the range [0, 180]. The second one is the horizontal rotation around the z axis, in the range [0, 360].

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(view = [170, 360],
             explicit(sin(x^2+y^2),x,-2,2,y,-2,2) )$
Graphic option: wired_surface

Default value: false

Indicates whether 3D surfaces in enhanced3d mode show the grid joinning the points or not.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        enhanced3d    = [sin(x),x,y],
        wired_surface = true,
        explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1)) $
Graphic option: x_voxel

Default value: 10

x_voxel is the number of voxels in the x direction to be used by the marching cubes algorithm implemented by the 3d implicit object. It is also used by graphic object region.

Graphic option: xaxis

Default value: false

If xaxis is true, the x axis is drawn.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             xaxis       = true,
             xaxis_color = blue)$

See also xaxis_width, xaxis_type and xaxis_color.

Graphic option: xaxis_color

Default value: "black"

xaxis_color specifies the color for the x axis. See color to know how colors are defined.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             xaxis       = true,
             xaxis_color = red)$

See also xaxis, xaxis_width and xaxis_type.

Graphic option: xaxis_secondary

Default value: false

If xaxis_secondary is true, function values can be plotted with respect to the second x axis, which will be drawn on top of the scene.

Note that this is a local graphics option which only affects to 2d plots.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
         key   = "Bottom x-axis",
         color = red,
         key   = "Above x-axis",
         xtics_secondary = true,
         xaxis_secondary = true,
         explicit(x^2,x,-1,1)) $

See also xrange_secondary, xtics_secondary, xtics_rotate_secondary, xtics_axis_secondary and xaxis_secondary.

Graphic option: xaxis_type

Default value: dots

xaxis_type indicates how the x axis is displayed; possible values are solid and dots.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             xaxis       = true,
             xaxis_type  = solid)$

See also xaxis, xaxis_width and xaxis_color.

Graphic option: xaxis_width

Default value: 1

xaxis_width is the width of the x axis. Its value must be a positive number.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             xaxis       = true,
             xaxis_width = 3)$

See also xaxis, xaxis_type and xaxis_color.

Graphic option: xlabel

Default value: "" (empty string)

Option xlabel, a string, is the label for the x axis. By default, no label is written.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xlabel = "Time",
             ylabel = "Population")$

See also ylabel, and zlabel.

Graphic option: xrange

Default value: auto

If xrange is auto, the range for the x coordinate is computed automatically.

If the user wants a specific interval for x, it must be given as a Maxima list, as in xrange=[-2, 3].

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange = [-3,5],

See also yrange and zrange.

Graphic option: xrange_secondary

Default value: auto

If xrange_secondary is auto, the range for the second x axis is computed automatically.

If the user wants a specific interval for the second x axis, it must be given as a Maxima list, as in xrange_secondary=[-2, 3].

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

See also xrange, yrange, zrange and yrange_secondary.

Graphic option: xtics

Default value: auto

This graphic option controls the way tic marks are drawn on the x axis.

  • When option xtics is bounded to symbol auto, tic marks are drawn automatically.
  • When option xtics is bounded to symbol none, tic marks are not drawn.
  • When option xtics is bounded to a positive number, this is the distance between two consecutive tic marks.
  • When option xtics is bounded to a list of length three of the form [start,incr,end], tic marks are plotted from start to end at intervals of length incr.
  • When option xtics is bounded to a set of numbers of the form {n1, n2, ...}, tic marks are plotted at values n1, n2, …
  • When option xtics is bounded to a set of pairs of the form {["label1", n1], ["label2", n2], ...}, tic marks corresponding to values n1, n2, … are labeled with "label1", "label2", …, respectively.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


Disable tics.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xtics = 'none,
             explicit(x^3,x,-1,1)  )$

Tics every 1/4 units.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xtics = 1/4,
             explicit(x^3,x,-1,1)  )$

Tics from -3/4 to 3/4 in steps of 1/8.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xtics = [-3/4,1/8,3/4],
             explicit(x^3,x,-1,1)  )$

Tics at points -1/2, -1/4 and 3/4.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xtics = {-1/2,-1/4,3/4},
             explicit(x^3,x,-1,1)  )$

Labeled tics.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xtics = {["High",0.75],["Medium",0],["Low",-0.75]},
             explicit(x^3,x,-1,1)  )$

See also ytics, and ztics.

Graphic option: xtics_axis

Default value: false

If xtics_axis is true, tic marks and their labels are plotted just along the x axis, if it is false tics are plotted on the border.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: xtics_rotate

Default value: false

If xtics_rotate is true, tic marks on the x axis are rotated 90 degrees.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: xtics_rotate_secondary

Default value: false

If xtics_rotate_secondary is true, tic marks on the secondary x axis are rotated 90 degrees.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: xtics_secondary

Default value: auto

This graphic option controls the way tic marks are drawn on the second x axis.

See xtics for a complete description.

Graphic option: xtics_secondary_axis

Default value: false

If xtics_secondary_axis is true, tic marks and their labels are plotted just along the secondary x axis, if it is false tics are plotted on the border.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: xu_grid

Default value: 30

xu_grid is the number of coordinates of the first variable (x in explicit and u in parametric 3d surfaces) to build the grid of sample points.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr3d: explicit and parametric_surface.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(xu_grid = 10,
             yv_grid = 50,
             explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-3,3,y,-3,3) )$

See also yv_grid.

Graphic option: xy_file

Default value: "" (empty string)

xy_file is the name of the file where the coordinates will be saved after clicking with the mouse button and hitting the ’x’ key. By default, no coordinates are saved.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: xyplane

Default value: false

Allocates the xy-plane in 3D scenes. When xyplane is false, the xy-plane is placed automatically; when it is a real number, the xy-plane intersects the z-axis at this level. This option has no effect in 2D scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(xyplane = %e-2,
Graphic option: y_voxel

Default value: 10

y_voxel is the number of voxels in the y direction to be used by the marching cubes algorithm implemented by the 3d implicit object. It is also used by graphic object region.

Graphic option: yaxis

Default value: false

If yaxis is true, the y axis is drawn.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             yaxis       = true,
             yaxis_color = blue)$

See also yaxis_width, yaxis_type and yaxis_color.

Graphic option: yaxis_color

Default value: "black"

yaxis_color specifies the color for the y axis. See color to know how colors are defined.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             yaxis       = true,
             yaxis_color = red)$

See also yaxis, yaxis_width and yaxis_type.

Graphic option: yaxis_secondary

Default value: false

If yaxis_secondary is true, function values can be plotted with respect to the second y axis, which will be drawn on the right side of the scene.

Note that this is a local graphics option which only affects to 2d plots.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
         yaxis_secondary = true,
         ytics_secondary = true,
         color = blue,

See also yrange_secondary, ytics_secondary, ytics_rotate_secondary and ytics_axis_secondary.

Graphic option: yaxis_type

Default value: dots

yaxis_type indicates how the y axis is displayed; possible values are solid and dots.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             yaxis       = true,
             yaxis_type  = solid)$

See also yaxis, yaxis_width and yaxis_color.

Graphic option: yaxis_width

Default value: 1

yaxis_width is the width of the y axis. Its value must be a positive number.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(x^3,x,-1,1),
             yaxis       = true,
             yaxis_width = 3)$

See also yaxis, yaxis_type and yaxis_color.

Graphic option: ylabel

Default value: "" (empty string)

Option ylabel, a string, is the label for the y axis. By default, no label is written.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xlabel = "Time",
             ylabel = "Population",
             explicit(exp(u),u,-2,2) )$

See also xlabel, and zlabel.

Graphic option: yrange

Default value: auto

If yrange is auto, the range for the y coordinate is computed automatically.

If the user wants a specific interval for y, it must be given as a Maxima list, as in yrange=[-2, 3].

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(yrange = [-2,3],
             xrange = [-3,3])$

See also xrange, yrange_secondary and zrange.

Graphic option: yrange_secondary

Default value: auto

If yrange_secondary is auto, the range for the second y axis is computed automatically.

If the user wants a specific interval for the second y axis, it must be given as a Maxima list, as in yrange_secondary=[-2, 3].

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
         yaxis_secondary = true,
         ytics_secondary = true,
         yrange = [-3, 3],
         yrange_secondary = [-20, 20],
         color = blue,
         explicit(100*sin(x+0.1)+2,x,0,10)) $

See also xrange, yrange and zrange.

Graphic option: ytics

Default value: auto

This graphic option controls the way tic marks are drawn on the y axis.

See xtics for a complete description.

Graphic option: ytics_axis

Default value: false

If ytics_axis is true, tic marks and their labels are plotted just along the y axis, if it is false tics are plotted on the border.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: ytics_rotate

Default value: false

If ytics_rotate is true, tic marks on the y axis are rotated 90 degrees.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: ytics_rotate_secondary

Default value: false

If ytics_rotate_secondary is true, tic marks on the secondary y axis are rotated 90 degrees.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: ytics_secondary

Default value: auto

This graphic option controls the way tic marks are drawn on the second y axis.

See xtics for a complete description.

Graphic option: ytics_secondary_axis

Default value: false

If ytics_secondary_axis is true, tic marks and their labels are plotted just along the secondary y axis, if it is false tics are plotted on the border.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: yv_grid

Default value: 30

yv_grid is the number of coordinates of the second variable (y in explicit and v in parametric 3d surfaces) to build the grid of sample points.

This option affects the following graphic objects:

  • gr3d: explicit and parametric_surface.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(xu_grid = 10,
             yv_grid = 50,
             explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-3,3,y,-3,3) )$

See also xu_grid.

Graphic option: z_voxel

Default value: 10

z_voxel is the number of voxels in the z direction to be used by the marching cubes algorithm implemented by the 3d implicit object.

Graphic option: zaxis

Default value: false

If zaxis is true, the z axis is drawn in 3D plots. This option has no effect in 2D scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1),
             zaxis       = true,
             zaxis_type  = solid,
             zaxis_color = blue)$

See also zaxis_width, zaxis_type and zaxis_color.

Graphic option: zaxis_color

Default value: "black"

zaxis_color specifies the color for the z axis. See color to know how colors are defined. This option has no effect in 2D scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1),
             zaxis       = true,
             zaxis_type  = solid,
             zaxis_color = red)$

See also zaxis, zaxis_width and zaxis_type.

Graphic option: zaxis_type

Default value: dots

zaxis_type indicates how the z axis is displayed; possible values are solid and dots. This option has no effect in 2D scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1),
             zaxis       = true,
             zaxis_type  = solid)$

See also zaxis, zaxis_width and zaxis_color.

Graphic option: zaxis_width

Default value: 1

zaxis_width is the width of the z axis. Its value must be a positive number. This option has no effect in 2D scenes.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(explicit(x^2+y^2,x,-1,1,y,-1,1),
             zaxis       = true,
             zaxis_type  = solid,
             zaxis_width = 3)$

See also zaxis, zaxis_type and zaxis_color.

Graphic option: zlabel

Default value: "" (empty string)

Option zlabel, a string, is the label for the z axis. By default, no label is written.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(zlabel = "Z variable",
             ylabel = "Y variable",
             xlabel = "X variable" )$

See also xlabel, and ylabel.

Graphic option: zrange

Default value: auto

If zrange is auto, the range for the z coordinate is computed automatically.

If the user wants a specific interval for z, it must be given as a Maxima list, as in zrange=[-2, 3].

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(yrange = [-3,3],
             zrange = [-2,5],
             xrange = [-3,3])$

See also xrange and yrange.

Graphic option: ztics

Default value: auto

This graphic option controls the way tic marks are drawn on the z axis.

See xtics for a complete description.

Graphic option: ztics_axis

Default value: false

If ztics_axis is true, tic marks and their labels are plotted just along the z axis, if it is false tics are plotted on the border.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

Graphic option: ztics_rotate

Default value: false

If ztics_rotate is true, tic marks on the z axis are rotated 90 degrees.

Since this is a global graphics option, its position in the scene description does not matter.

42.2.4 Graphics objects

Graphic object: bars ([x1, h1, w1], [x2, h2, w2, …])

Draws vertical bars in 2D.


bars([x1, h1, w1], [x2, h2, w2, ...]) draws bars centered at values x1, x2, … with heights h1, h2, … and widths w1, w2, …

This object is affected by the following graphic options: key, fill_color, fill_density and line_width.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
       key          = "Group A",
       fill_color   = blue,
       fill_density = 0.2,
       key          = "Group B",
       fill_color   = red,
       fill_density = 0.6,
       line_width   = 4,
       xaxis = true);
Graphic object: cylindrical (radius, z, minz, maxz, azi, minazi, maxazi)

Draws 3D functions defined in cylindrical coordinates.


cylindrical(radius, z, minz, maxz, azi, minazi, maxazi) plots function radius(z, azi) defined in cylindrical coordinates, with variable z taking values from minz to maxz and azimuth azi taking values from minazi to maxazi.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: xu_grid, yv_grid, line_type, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(cylindrical(1,z,-2,2,az,0,2*%pi))$
Graphic object: elevation_grid (mat, x0, y0, width, height)

Draws matrix mat in 3D space. z values are taken from mat, the abscissas range from x0 to x0 + width and ordinates from y0 to y0 + height. Element a(1,1) is projected on point (x0,y0+height), a(1,n) on (x0+width,y0+height), a(m,1) on (x0,y0), and a(m,n) on (x0+width,y0).

This object is affected by the following graphic options: line_type, line_width, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d, and color.

In older versions of Maxima, elevation_grid was called mesh. See also mesh.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) m: apply(
            makelist(makelist(random(10.0),k,1,30),i,1,20)) $
(%i3) draw3d(
         color = blue,
         xlabel = "x",
         ylabel = "y",
         surface_hide = true);
Graphic object: ellipse (xc, yc, a, b, ang1, ang2)

Draws ellipses and circles in 2D.


ellipse (xc, yc, a, b, ang1, ang2) plots an ellipse centered at [xc, yc] with horizontal and vertical semi axis a and b, respectively, starting at angle ang1 with an amplitude equal to angle ang2.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: nticks, transparent, fill_color, border, line_width, line_type, key and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(transparent = false,
             fill_color  = red,
             color       = gray30,
             transparent = false,
             line_width  = 5,
             /* center (x,y), a, b, start & end in degrees */
             transparent = true,
             color       = blue,
             line_width  = 3,
             xrange      = [-3,6],
             yrange      = [2,9] )$
Graphic object: errors ([x1, x2, …], [y1, y2, …])

Draws points with error bars, horizontally, vertically or both, depending on the value of option error_type.


If error_type = x, arguments to errors must be of the form [x, y, xdelta] or [x, y, xlow, xhigh]. If error_type = y, arguments must be of the form [x, y, ydelta] or [x, y, ylow, yhigh]. If error_type = xy or error_type = boxes, arguments to errors must be of the form [x, y, xdelta, ydelta] or [x, y, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh].

See also error_type.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: error_type, points_joined, line_width, key, line_type, color, fill_density, xaxis_secondary, and yaxis_secondary.

Option fill_density is only relevant when error_type=boxes.


Horizontal error bars.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        error_type = y,
        errors([[1,2,1], [3,5,3], [10,3,1], [17,6,2]]))$

Vertical and horizontal error bars.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        error_type = xy,
        points_joined = true,
        color = blue,
        errors([[1,2,1,2], [3,5,2,1], [10,3,1,1], [17,6,1/2,2]])); 
Graphic object: explicit (fcn, var, minval, maxval)
Graphic object: explicit (fcn, var1, minval1, maxval1, var2, minval2, maxval2)

Draws explicit functions in 2D and 3D.


explicit(fcn,var,minval,maxval) plots explicit function fcn, with variable var taking values from minval to maxval.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: nticks, adapt_depth, draw_realpart, line_width, line_type, key, filled_func, fill_color and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(line_width = 3,
             color      = blue,
             explicit(x^2,x,-3,3) )$
(%i3) draw2d(fill_color  = brown,
             filled_func = true,
             explicit(x^2,x,-3,3) )$


explicit (fcn, var1, minval1, maxval1, var2, minval2, maxval2) plots the explicit function fcn, with the variable var1 taking values from minval1 to maxval1 and the variable var2 taking values from minval2 to maxval2.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: draw_realpart, xu_grid, yv_grid, line_type, line_width, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d, and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(key   = "Gauss",
             color = "#a02c00",
             yv_grid     = 10,
             color = blue,
             key   = "Plane",
             surface_hide = true)$

See also filled_func for filled functions.

Graphic object: image (im, x0, y0, width, height)

Renders images in 2D.


image(im, x0, y0, width, height) plots image im in the rectangular region from vertex (x0, y0) to (x0+width, y0+height) on the real plane. Argument im must be a matrix of real numbers, a matrix of vectors of length three or a picture object.

If im is a matrix of real numbers or a levels picture object, pixel values are interpreted according to graphic option palette, which is a vector of length three with components ranging from -36 to +36; each value is an index for a formula mapping the levels onto red, green and blue colors, respectively:

 0: 0               1: 0.5           2: 1
 3: x               4: x^2           5: x^3
 6: x^4             7: sqrt(x)       8: sqrt(sqrt(x))
 9: sin(90x)       10: cos(90x)     11: |x-0.5|
12: (2x-1)^2       13: sin(180x)    14: |cos(180x)|
15: sin(360x)      16: cos(360x)    17: |sin(360x)|
18: |cos(360x)|    19: |sin(720x)|  20: |cos(720x)|
21: 3x             22: 3x-1         23: 3x-2
24: |3x-1|         25: |3x-2|       26: (3x-1)/2
27: (3x-2)/2       28: |(3x-1)/2|   29: |(3x-2)/2|
30: x/0.32-0.78125                  31: 2*x-0.84
32: 4x;1;-2x+1.84;x/0.08-11.5
33: |2*x - 0.5|    34: 2*x          35: 2*x - 0.5
36: 2*x - 1

negative numbers mean negative colour component.

palette = gray and palette = color are short cuts for palette = [3,3,3] and palette = [7,5,15], respectively.

If im is a matrix of vectors of length three or an rgb picture object, they are interpreted as red, green and blue color components.


If im is a matrix of real numbers, pixel values are interpreted according to graphic option palette.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) im: apply(
(%i3) /* palette = color, default */
(%i4) draw2d(palette = gray, image(im,0,0,30,30))$
(%i5) draw2d(palette = [15,20,-4],

See also colorbox.

If im is a matrix of vectors of length three, they are interpreted as red, green and blue color components.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) im: apply(
(%i3) draw2d(image(im,0,0,30,30))$

Package draw automatically loads package picture. In this example, a level picture object is built by hand and then rendered.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) im: make_level_picture([45,87,2,134,204,16],3,2);
(%o2)       picture(level, 3, 2, {Array:  #(45 87 2 134 204 16)})
(%i3) /* default color palette */
(%i4) /* gray palette */
      draw2d(palette = gray,

An xpm file is read and then rendered.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) im: read_xpm("myfile.xpm")$
(%i3) draw2d(image(im,0,0,10,7))$

See also make_level_picture, make_rgb_picture and read_xpm.

http://www.telefonica.net/web2/biomates/maxima/gpdraw/image contains more elaborated examples.

Graphic object: implicit (fcn, x, xmin, xmax, y, ymin, ymax)
Graphic object: implicit (fcn, x, xmin, xmax, y, ymin, ymax, z, zmin, zmax)

Draws implicit functions in 2D and 3D.


implicit(fcn, x, xmin, xmax, y, ymin, ymax) plots the implicit function defined by fcn, with variable x taking values from xmin to xmax, and variable y taking values from ymin to ymax.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: ip_grid, ip_grid_in, line_width, line_type, key and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(terminal  = eps,
             grid      = true,
             line_type = solid,
             key       = "y^2=x^3-2*x+1",
             implicit(y^2=x^3-2*x+1, x, -4,4, y, -4,4),
             line_type = dots,
             key       = "x^3+y^3 = 3*x*y^2-x-1",
             implicit(x^3+y^3 = 3*x*y^2-x-1, x,-4,4, y,-4,4),
             title     = "Two implicit functions" )$


implicit(fcn, x, xmin, xmax, y, ymin, ymax, z, zmin, zmax) plots the implicit surface defined by fcn, with variable x taking values from xmin to xmax, variable y taking values from ymin to ymax and variable z taking values from zmin to zmax. This object implements the marching cubes algorithm.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: x_voxel, y_voxel, z_voxel, line_width, line_type, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d, and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
Graphic object: label ([string, x, y], …)
Graphic object: label ([string, x, y, z], …)

Writes labels in 2D and 3D.

Colored labels work only with Gnuplot 4.3. This is a known bug in package draw.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: label_alignment, label_orientation and color.


label([string, x, y]) writes the string at point [x, y].


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(yrange = [0.1,1.4],
             color = red,
             label(["Label in red",0,0.3]),
             color = "#0000ff",
             label(["Label in blue",0,0.6]),
             color = light_blue,
             label(["Label in light-blue",0,0.9],
                   ["Another light-blue",0,1.2])  )$


label([string, x, y, z]) writes the string at point [x, y, z].


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(explicit(exp(sin(x)+cos(x^2)),x,-3,3,y,-3,3),
             color = red,
             label(["UP 1",-2,0,3], ["UP 2",1.5,0,4]),
             color = blue,
             label(["DOWN 1",2,0,-3]) )$
Graphic object: mesh (row_1, row_2, …)

Draws a quadrangular mesh in 3D.


Argument row_i is a list of n 3D points of the form [[x_i1,y_i1,z_i1], ...,[x_in,y_in,z_in]], and all rows are of equal length. All these points define an arbitrary surface in 3D and in some sense it’s a generalization of the elevation_grid object.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: line_type, line_width, color, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d, and transform.


A simple example.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d( 
         mesh([[1,1,3],   [7,3,1],[12,-2,4],[15,0,5]],
              [[2,7,8],   [4,3,1],[10,5,8], [12,7,1]],
              [[-2,11,10],[6,9,5],[6,15,1], [20,15,2]])) $

Plotting a triangle in 3D.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        line_width = 2,
             [[0,0,1],[0,0,1]])) $

Two quadrilaterals.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        surface_hide = true,
        line_width   = 3,
        color = red,
        mesh([[0,0,0], [0,1,0]],
             [[2,0,2], [2,2,2]]),
        color = blue,
        mesh([[0,0,2], [0,1,2]],
             [[2,0,4], [2,2,4]])) $
Graphic object: parametric (xfun, yfun, par, parmin, parmax)
Graphic object: parametric (xfun, yfun, zfun, par, parmin, parmax)

Draws parametric functions in 2D and 3D.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: nticks, line_width, line_type, key, color and enhanced3d.


parametric(xfun, yfun, par, parmin, parmax) plots the parametric function [xfun, yfun], with the parameter par taking values from parmin to parmax.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(explicit(exp(x),x,-1,3),
             color = red,
             key   = "This is the parametric one!!",


The command parametric(xfun, yfun, zfun, par, parmin, parmax) plots the parametric curve [xfun, yfun, zfun], with the parameter par taking values from parmin to parmax.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(explicit(exp(sin(x)+cos(x^2)),x,-3,3,y,-3,3),
             color = royalblue,
             color      = turquoise,
             line_width = 2,
             surface_hide = true,
             title = "Surface & curves" )$
Graphic object: parametric_surface (xfun, yfun, zfun, par1, par1min, par1max, par2, par2min, par2max)

Draws parametric surfaces in 3D.


parametric_surface(xfun, yfun, zfun, par1, par1min, par1max, par2,
par2min, par2max)
plots the parametric surface [xfun, yfun, zfun], with the parameter par1 taking values from par1min to par1max and the parameter par2 taking values from par2min to par2max.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: draw_realpart, xu_grid, yv_grid, line_type, line_width, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d, and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(title          = "Sea shell",
             xu_grid        = 100,
             yv_grid        = 25,
             view           = [100,20],
             surface_hide   = true,
                           u*sin(v) - ((u+3)/8*%pi)^2 - 20,
                           u, 0, 13*%pi, v, -%pi, %pi) )$
Graphic object: points ([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], …])
Graphic object: points ([x1, x2, …], [y1, y2, …])
Graphic object: points ([y1, y2, …])
Graphic object: points ([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], …])
Graphic object: points ([x1, x2, …], [y1, y2, …], [z1, z2, …])
Graphic object: points (matrix)
Graphic object: points (1d_y_array)
Graphic object: points (1d_x_array, 1d_y_array)
Graphic object: points (1d_x_array, 1d_y_array, 1d_z_array)
Graphic object: points (2d_xy_array)
Graphic object: points (2d_xyz_array)

Draws points in 2D and 3D.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: point_size, point_type, points_joined, line_width, key, line_type and color. In 3D mode, it is also affected by enhanced3d.


points([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]) or points([x1, x2, ...], [y1, y2, ...]) plots points [x1, y1], [x2, y2], etc. If abscissas are not given, they are set to consecutive positive integers, so that points([y1, y2, ...]) draws points [1, y1], [2, y2], etc. If matrix is a two-column or two-row matrix, points (matrix) draws the associated points. If matrix is a one-column or one-row matrix, abscissas are assigned automatically.

If 1d_y_array is a 1D lisp array of numbers, points(1d_y_array) plots them setting abscissas to consecutive positive integers. points(1d_x_array, 1d_y_array) plots points with their coordinates taken from the two arrays passed as arguments. If 2d_xy_array is a 2D array with two columns, or with two rows, points(2d_xy_array) plots the corresponding points on the plane.


Two types of arguments for points, a list of pairs and two lists of separate coordinates.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        key = "Small points",
        point_type    = circle,
        point_size    = 3,
        points_joined = true,
        key           = "Great points",
        point_type    = filled_down_triangle,
        key           = "Automatic abscissas",
        color         = red,

Drawing impulses.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        points_joined = impulses,
        line_width    = 2,
        color         = red,

Array with ordinates.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) a: make_array (flonum, 100) $
(%i3) for i:0 thru 99 do a[i]: random(1.0) $
(%i4) draw2d(points(a)) $

Two arrays with separate coordinates.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) x: make_array (flonum, 100) $
(%i3) y: make_array (fixnum, 100) $
(%i4) for i:0 thru 99 do (
        x[i]: float(i/100),
        y[i]: random(10) ) $
(%i5) draw2d(points(x, y)) $

A two-column 2D array.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) xy: make_array(flonum, 100, 2) $
(%i3) for i:0 thru 99 do (
        xy[i, 0]: float(i/100),
        xy[i, 1]: random(10) ) $
(%i4) draw2d(points(xy)) $

Drawing an array filled with function read_array.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) a: make_array(flonum,100) $
(%i3) read_array (file_search ("pidigits.data"), a) $
(%i4) draw2d(points(a)) $


points([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ...]) or
points([x1, x2, ...], [y1, y2, ...], [z1, z2, ...]) plots points [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], etc. If matrix is a three-column or three-row matrix, points (matrix) draws the associated points.

When arguments are lisp arrays, points(1d_x_array, 1d_y_array, 1d_z_array) takes coordinates from the three 1D arrays. If 2d_xyz_array is a 2D array with three columns, or with three rows, points(2d_xyz_array) plots the corresponding points.


One tridimensional sample,

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) load ("numericalio")$
(%i3) s2 : read_matrix (file_search ("wind.data"))$
(%i4) draw3d(title = "Daily average wind speeds",
             point_size = 2,
             points(args(submatrix (s2, 4, 5))) )$

Two tridimensional samples,

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) load ("numericalio")$
(%i3) s2 : read_matrix (file_search ("wind.data"))$
(%i4) draw3d(
         title = "Daily average wind speeds. Two data sets",
         point_size = 2,
         key        = "Sample from stations 1, 2 and 3",
         points(args(submatrix (s2, 4, 5))),
         point_type = 4,
         key        = "Sample from stations 1, 4 and 5",
         points(args(submatrix (s2, 2, 3))) )$

Unidimensional arrays,

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) x: make_array (fixnum, 10) $
(%i3) y: make_array (fixnum, 10) $
(%i4) z: make_array (fixnum, 10) $
(%i5) for i:0 thru 9 do (
        x[i]: random(10),
        y[i]: random(10),
        z[i]: random(10) ) $
(%i6) draw3d(points(x,y,z)) $

Bidimensional colored array,

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) xyz: make_array(fixnum, 10, 3) $
(%i3) for i:0 thru 9 do (
        xyz[i, 0]: random(10),
        xyz[i, 1]: random(10),
        xyz[i, 2]: random(10) ) $
(%i4) draw3d(
         enhanced3d = true,
         points_joined = true,
         points(xyz)) $

Color numbers explicitly specified by the user.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) pts: makelist([t,t^2,cos(t)], t, 0, 15)$
(%i3) col_num: makelist(k, k, 1, length(pts))$
(%i4) draw3d(
        enhanced3d = ['part(col_num,k),k],
        point_size = 3,
        point_type = filled_circle,
Graphic object: polar (radius, ang, minang, maxang)

Draws 2D functions defined in polar coordinates.


polar(radius, ang, minang, maxang) plots function radius(ang) defined in polar coordinates, with variable ang taking values from minang to maxang.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: nticks, line_width, line_type, key and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(user_preamble = "set grid polar",
             nticks        = 200,
             xrange        = [-5,5],
             yrange        = [-5,5],
             color         = blue,
             line_width    = 3,
             title         = "Hyperbolic Spiral",
             polar(10/theta,theta,1,10*%pi) )$
Graphic object: polygon ([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], …])
Graphic object: polygon ([x1, x2, …], [y1, y2, …])

Draws polygons in 2D.


polygon([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]) or
polygon([x1, x2, …], [y1,y2, …]): plots on the plane a polygon with vertices [x1, y1], [x2, y2], etc.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: transparent, fill_color, border, line_width, key, line_type and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(color      = "#e245f0",
             line_width = 8,
             border      = false,
             fill_color  = yellow,
             polygon([[5,2],[9,2],[7,5]]) )$
Graphic object: quadrilateral (point_1, point_2, point_3, point_4)

Draws a quadrilateral.


quadrilateral([x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]) draws a quadrilateral with vertices [x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], and [x4, y4].

This object is affected by the following graphic options:

transparent, fill_color, border, line_width, key, xaxis_secondary, yaxis_secondary, line_type, transform and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(


quadrilateral ([x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3], [x4, y4, z4])
draws a quadrilateral with vertices [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3], and [x4, y4, z4].

This object is affected by the following graphic options: line_type, line_width, color, key, enhanced3d, and transform.

Graphic object: rectangle ([x1, y1], [x2, y2])

Draws rectangles in 2D.


rectangle([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) draws a rectangle with opposite vertices [x1, y1] and [x2, y2].

This object is affected by the following graphic options: transparent, fill_color, border, line_width, key, line_type and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(fill_color  = red,
             line_width  = 6,
             line_type   = dots,
             transparent = false,
             fill_color  = blue,
             rectangle([-2,-2],[8,-1]), /* opposite vertices */
             transparent = true,
             line_type   = solid,
             line_width  = 1,
             xrange      = [-3,10],
             yrange      = [-3,4.5] )$
Graphic object: region (expr, var1, minval1, maxval1, var2, minval2, maxval2)

Plots a region on the plane defined by inequalities.

2D expr is an expression formed by inequalities and boolean operators and, or, and not. The region is bounded by the rectangle defined by [minval1, maxval1] and [minval2, maxval2].

This object is affected by the following graphic options: fill_color, key, x_voxel, and y_voxel.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(
        x_voxel = 30,
        y_voxel = 30,
        region(x^2+y^2<1 and x^2+y^2 > 1/2,
               x, -1.5, 1.5, y, -1.5, 1.5));
Graphic object: spherical (radius, azi, minazi, maxazi, zen, minzen, maxzen)

Draws 3D functions defined in spherical coordinates.


spherical(radius, azi, minazi, maxazi, zen, minzen, maxzen) plots function radius(azi, zen) defined in spherical coordinates, with azimuth azi taking values from minazi to maxazi and zenith zen taking values from minzen to maxzen.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: xu_grid, yv_grid, line_type, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d, and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(spherical(1,a,0,2*%pi,z,0,%pi))$
Graphic object: triangle (point_1, point_2, point_3)

Draws a triangle.


triangle([x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]) draws a triangle with vertices [x1, y1], [x2, y2], and [x3,y3].

This object is affected by the following graphic options:

transparent, fill_color, border, line_width, key, xaxis_secondary, yaxis_secondary, line_type, transform, and color.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(


triangle([x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3]) draws a triangle with vertices [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], and [x3, y3, z3].

This object is affected by the following graphic options: line_type, line_width, color, key, enhanced3d, and transform.

Graphic object: tube (xfun, yfun, zfun, rfun, p, pmin, pmax)

Draws a tube in 3D with varying diameter.


[xfun,yfun,zfun] is the parametric curve with parameter p taking values from pmin to pmax. Circles of radius rfun are placed with their centers on the parametric curve and perpendicular to it.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: xu_grid, yv_grid, line_type, line_width, key, wired_surface, enhanced3d, color, and capping.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(
        enhanced3d = true,
        xu_grid = 50,
        tube(cos(a), a, 0, cos(a/10)^2,
             a, 0, 4*%pi) )$
Graphic object: vector ([x, y], [dx, dy])
Graphic object: vector ([x, y, z], [dx, dy, dz])

Draws vectors in 2D and 3D.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: head_both, head_length, head_angle, head_type, line_width, line_type, key and color.


vector([x, y], [dx,dy]) plots vector [dx, dy] with origin in [x, y].


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw2d(xrange      = [0,12],
             yrange      = [0,10],
             head_length = 1,
             vector([0,1],[5,5]), /* default type */
             head_type = 'empty,
             head_both = true,
             head_type = 'nofilled,
             line_type = dots,


vector([x, y, z], [dx, dy, dz]) plots vector [dx,dy,dz] with origin in [x, y, z].


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) draw3d(color = cyan,
             vector([0,0,0],[1,1,-2]/sqrt(6)) )$

42.3 Functions and Variables for pictures

Function: get_pixel (pic, x, y)

Returns pixel from picture. Coordinates x and y range from 0 to width-1 and height-1, respectively.

Function: make_level_picture (data)
Function: make_level_picture (data, width, height)

Returns a levels picture object. make_level_picture(data) builds the picture object from matrix data. make_level_picture(data, width, height) builds the object from a list of numbers; in this case, both the width and the height must be given.

The returned picture object contains the following four parts:

  1. symbol level
  2. image width
  3. image height
  4. an integer array with pixel data ranging from 0 to 255. Argument data must contain only numbers ranged from 0 to 255; negative numbers are substituted by 0, and those which are greater than 255 are set to 255.


Level picture from matrix.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) make_level_picture(matrix([3,2,5],[7,-9,3000]));
(%o2)         picture(level, 3, 2, {Array:  #(3 2 5 7 0 255)})

Level picture from numeric list.

(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) make_level_picture([-2,0,54,%pi],2,2);
(%o2)            picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(0 0 54 3)})
Function: make_rgb_picture (redlevel, greenlevel, bluelevel)

Returns an rgb-coloured picture object. All three arguments must be levels picture; with red, green and blue levels.

The returned picture object contains the following four parts:

  1. symbol rgb
  2. image width
  3. image height
  4. an integer array of length 3*width*height with pixel data ranging from 0 to 255. Each pixel is represented by three consecutive numbers (red, green, blue).


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) red: make_level_picture(matrix([3,2],[7,260]));
(%o2)           picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(3 2 7 255)})
(%i3) green: make_level_picture(matrix([54,23],[73,-9]));
(%o3)           picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(54 23 73 0)})
(%i4) blue: make_level_picture(matrix([123,82],[45,32.5698]));
(%o4)          picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(123 82 45 33)})
(%i5) make_rgb_picture(red,green,blue);
(%o5) picture(rgb, 2, 2, 
              {Array:  #(3 54 123 2 23 82 7 73 45 255 0 33)})
Function: negative_picture (pic)

Returns the negative of a (level or rgb) picture.

Function: picture_equalp (x,y)

Returns true in case of equal pictures, and false otherwise.

Function: picturep (x)

Returns true if the argument is a well formed image, and false otherwise.

Function: read_xpm (xpm_file)

Reads a file in xpm and returns a picture object.

Function: rgb2level (pic)

Transforms an rgb picture into a level one by averaging the red, green and blue channels.

Function: take_channel (im,color)

If argument color is red, green or blue, function take_channel returns the corresponding color channel of picture im.


(%i1) load("draw")$
(%i2) red: make_level_picture(matrix([3,2],[7,260]));
(%o2)           picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(3 2 7 255)})
(%i3) green: make_level_picture(matrix([54,23],[73,-9]));
(%o3)           picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(54 23 73 0)})
(%i4) blue: make_level_picture(matrix([123,82],[45,32.5698]));
(%o4)          picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(123 82 45 33)})
(%i5) make_rgb_picture(red,green,blue);
(%o5) picture(rgb, 2, 2, 
              {Array:  #(3 54 123 2 23 82 7 73 45 255 0 33)})
(%i6) take_channel(%,'green);  /* simple quote!!! */
(%o6)           picture(level, 2, 2, {Array:  #(54 23 73 0)})

42.4 Functions and Variables for worldmap

This package automatically loads package draw.

42.4.1 Variables and Functions

Global variable: boundaries_array

Default value: false

boundaries_array is where the graphic object geomap looks for boundaries coordinates.

Each component of boundaries_array is an array of floating point quantities, the coordinates of a polygonal segment or map boundary.

See also geomap.

Function: numbered_boundaries (nlist)

Draws a list of polygonal segments (boundaries), labeled by its numbers (boundaries_array coordinates). This is of great help when building new geographical entities.


Map of Europe labeling borders with their component number in boundaries_array.

(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) european_borders: 
(%i3) numbered_boundaries(european_borders)$
Function: make_poly_continent (continent_name)
Function: make_poly_continent (country_list)

Makes the necessary polygons to draw a colored continent or a list of countries.


(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) /* A continent */
(%i3) apply(draw2d, %)$
(%i4) /* A list of countries */
(%i5) apply(draw2d, %)$
Function: make_poly_country (country_name)

Makes the necessary polygons to draw a colored country. If islands exist, one country can be defined with more than just one polygon.


(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) make_poly_country(India)$
(%i3) apply(draw2d, %)$
Function: make_polygon (nlist)

Returns a polygon object from boundary indices. Argument nlist is a list of components of boundaries_array.


Bhutan is defined by boundary numbers 171, 173 and 1143, so that make_polygon([171,173,1143]) appends arrays of coordinates boundaries_array[171], boundaries_array[173] and boundaries_array[1143] and returns a polygon object suited to be plotted by draw. To avoid an error message, arrays must be compatible in the sense that any two consecutive arrays have two coordinates in the extremes in common. In this example, the two first components of boundaries_array[171] are equal to the last two coordinates of boundaries_array[173], and the two first of boundaries_array[173] are equal to the two first of boundaries_array[1143]; in conclussion, boundary numbers 171, 173 and 1143 (in this order) are compatible and the colored polygon can be drawn.

(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) Bhutan;
(%o2)                        [[171, 173, 1143]]
(%i3) boundaries_array[171];
(%o3) {Array:  
       #(88.750549 27.14727 88.806351 27.25305 88.901367 27.282221
         88.917877 27.321039)}
(%i4) boundaries_array[173];
(%o4) {Array:
       #(91.659554 27.76511 91.6008 27.66666 91.598022 27.62499
         91.631348 27.536381 91.765533 27.45694 91.775253 27.4161 
         92.007751 27.471939 92.11441 27.28583 92.015259 27.168051
         92.015533 27.08083 92.083313 27.02277 92.112183 26.920271
         92.069977 26.86194 91.997192 26.85194 91.915253 26.893881
         91.916924 26.85416 91.8358 26.863331 91.712479 26.799999 
         91.542191 26.80444 91.492188 26.87472 91.418854 26.873329
         91.371353 26.800831 91.307457 26.778049 90.682457 26.77417
         90.392197 26.903601 90.344131 26.894159 90.143044 26.75333
         89.98996 26.73583 89.841919 26.70138 89.618301 26.72694 
         89.636093 26.771111 89.360786 26.859989 89.22081 26.81472
         89.110237 26.829161 88.921631 26.98777 88.873016 26.95499
         88.867737 27.080549 88.843307 27.108601 88.750549 
(%i5) boundaries_array[1143];
(%o5) {Array:  
       #(91.659554 27.76511 91.666924 27.88888 91.65831 27.94805 
         91.338028 28.05249 91.314972 28.096661 91.108856 27.971109
         91.015808 27.97777 90.896927 28.05055 90.382462 28.07972
         90.396088 28.23555 90.366074 28.257771 89.996353 28.32333
         89.83165 28.24888 89.58609 28.139999 89.35997 27.87166 
         89.225517 27.795 89.125793 27.56749 88.971077 27.47361
         88.917877 27.321039)}
(%i6) Bhutan_polygon: make_polygon([171,173,1143])$
(%i7) draw2d(Bhutan_polygon)$
Function: region_boundaries (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Detects polygonal segments of global variable boundaries_array fully contained in the rectangle with vertices (x1, y1) -upper left- and (x2, y2) -bottom right-.


Returns segment numbers for plotting southern Italy.

(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) region_boundaries(10.4,41.5,20.7,35.4);
(%o2)                [1846, 1863, 1864, 1881, 1888, 1894]
(%i3) draw2d(geomap(%))$
Function: region_boundaries_plus (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Detects polygonal segments of global variable boundaries_array containing at least one vertex in the rectangle defined by vertices (x1, y1) -upper left- and (x2, y2) -bottom right-.


(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) region_boundaries_plus(10.4,41.5,20.7,35.4);
(%o2) [1060, 1062, 1076, 1835, 1839, 1844, 1846, 1858,
       1861, 1863, 1864, 1871, 1881, 1888, 1894, 1897]
(%i3) draw2d(geomap(%))$

42.4.2 Graphic objects

Graphic object: geomap (numlist)
Graphic object: geomap (numlist, 3Dprojection)

Draws cartographic maps in 2D and 3D.


This function works together with global variable boundaries_array.

Argument numlist is a list containing numbers or lists of numbers. All these numbers must be integers greater or equal than zero, representing the components of global array boundaries_array.

Each component of boundaries_array is an array of floating point quantities, the coordinates of a polygonal segment or map boundary.

geomap (numlist) flattens its arguments and draws the associated boundaries in boundaries_array.

This object is affected by the following graphic options: line_width, line_type and color.


A simple map defined by hand:

(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) /* Vertices of boundary #0: {(1,1),(2,5),(4,3)} */
   ( bnd0: make_array(flonum,6),
     bnd0[0]:1.0, bnd0[1]:1.0, bnd0[2]:2.0,
     bnd0[3]:5.0, bnd0[4]:4.0, bnd0[5]:3.0 )$
(%i3) /* Vertices of boundary #1: {(4,3),(5,4),(6,4),(5,1)} */
   ( bnd1: make_array(flonum,8),
     bnd1[0]:4.0, bnd1[1]:3.0, bnd1[2]:5.0, bnd1[3]:4.0,
     bnd1[4]:6.0, bnd1[5]:4.0, bnd1[6]:5.0, bnd1[7]:1.0)$
(%i4) /* Vertices of boundary #2: {(5,1), (3,0), (1,1)} */
   ( bnd2: make_array(flonum,6),
     bnd2[0]:5.0, bnd2[1]:1.0, bnd2[2]:3.0,
     bnd2[3]:0.0, bnd2[4]:1.0, bnd2[5]:1.0 )$
(%i5) /* Vertices of boundary #3: {(1,1), (4,3)} */
   ( bnd3: make_array(flonum,4),
     bnd3[0]:1.0, bnd3[1]:1.0, bnd3[2]:4.0, bnd3[3]:3.0)$
(%i6) /* Vertices of boundary #4: {(4,3), (5,1)} */
   ( bnd4: make_array(flonum,4),
     bnd4[0]:4.0, bnd4[1]:3.0, bnd4[2]:5.0, bnd4[3]:1.0)$
(%i7) /* Pack all together in boundaries_array */
   ( boundaries_array: make_array(any,5),
     boundaries_array[0]: bnd0, boundaries_array[1]: bnd1,
     boundaries_array[2]: bnd2, boundaries_array[3]: bnd3,
     boundaries_array[4]: bnd4 )$
(%i8) draw2d(geomap([0,1,2,3,4]))$

The auxiliary package worldmap sets the global variable boundaries_array to the real world boundaries in coordinates. The data is in the public domain and come from http://www-cger.nies.go.jp/grid-e/gridtxt/grid19.html. The package worldmap defines also boundaries for countries, continents and coastlines as lists with the necessary components of boundaries_array (see file share/draw/worldmap.mac for more information). The package worldmap automatically loads package worldmap.

(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) c1: gr2d(geomap([Canada,United_States,
(%i3) c2: gr2d(geomap(Africa))$
(%i4) c3: gr2d(geomap(Oceania,China,Japan))$
(%i5) c4: gr2d(geomap([France,Portugal,Spain,
(%i6) draw(columns  = 2,

Package worldmap is also useful for plotting countries as polygons. In this case, graphic object geomap is no longer necessary and the polygon object is used instead. Since lists are now used and not arrays, maps rendering will be slower. See also make_poly_country and make_poly_continent to understand the following code.

(%i1) load("worldmap")$
(%i2) mymap: append(
   [color      = white],  /* borders are white */
   [fill_color = red],             make_poly_country(Bolivia),
   [fill_color = cyan],            make_poly_country(Paraguay),
   [fill_color = green],           make_poly_country(Colombia),
   [fill_color = blue],            make_poly_country(Chile),
   [fill_color = "#23ab0f"],       make_poly_country(Brazil),
   [fill_color = goldenrod],       make_poly_country(Argentina),
   [fill_color = "midnight-blue"], make_poly_country(Uruguay))$
(%i3) apply(draw2d, mymap)$


geomap(numlist) projects map boundaries on the sphere of radius 1 centered at (0,0,0). It is possible to change the sphere or the projection type by using geomap(numlist,3Dprojection).

Available 3D projections:

  • [spherical_projection,x, y, z, r]: projects map boundaries on the sphere of radius r centered at (x, y, z).
    (%i1) load("worldmap")$
    (%i2) draw3d(geomap(Australia), /* default projection */
  • [cylindrical_projection, x, y, z, r, rc]: re-projects spherical map boundaries on the cylinder of radius rc and axis passing through the poles of the globe of radius r centered at (x, y, z).
    (%i1) load("worldmap")$
    (%i2) draw3d(geomap([America_coastlines,Eurasia_coastlines],
  • [conic_projection, x, y, z, r, alpha]: re-projects spherical map boundaries on the cones of angle alpha, with axis passing through the poles of the globe of radius r centered at (x, y, z). Both the northern and southern cones are tangent to sphere.
    (%i1) load("worldmap")$
    (%i2) draw3d(geomap(World_coastlines,

See also https://riotorto.users.sourceforge.net/Maxima/gnuplot/geomap/ for more elaborated examples.

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