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65 Package graphs

65.1 Introduction to graphs

The graphs package provides graph and digraph data structure for Maxima. Graphs and digraphs are simple (have no multiple edges nor loops), although digraphs can have a directed edge from u to v and a directed edge from v to u.

Internally graphs are represented by adjacency lists and implemented as a lisp structures. Vertices are identified by their ids (an id is an integer). Edges/arcs are represented by lists of length 2. Labels can be assigned to vertices of graphs/digraphs and weights can be assigned to edges/arcs of graphs/digraphs.

There is a draw_graph function for drawing graphs. Graphs are drawn using a force based vertex positioning algorithm. draw_graph can also use graphviz programs available from draw_graph is based on the maxima draw package.

To use the graphs package, first load it with load("graphs").

Categories: Share packages · Package graphs ·

65.2 Functions and Variables for graphs

65.2.1 Building graphs

Function: create_graph
    create_graph (v_list, e_list)
    create_graph (n, e_list)
    create_graph (v_list, e_list, directed)

Creates a new graph on the set of vertices v_list and with edges e_list.

v_list is a list of vertices [v1, v2, ..., vn] or a list of vertices together with vertex labels [[v1, l1], [v2 ,l2], ..., [vn, ln]]. A vertex may be any integer, and v_list may contain vertices in any order. A label may be any Maxima expression, and two or more vertices may have the same label.

n is the number of vertices. Vertices will be identified by integers from 0 to n-1.

e_list is a list of edges [e1, e2,..., em] or a list of edges together with edge-weights [[e1, w1], ..., [em, wm]].

If directed is not false, a directed graph will be returned.

Example 1: create a cycle on 3 vertices:

(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : create_graph([1,2,3], [[1,2], [2,3], [1,3]])$
(%i3) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 3 vertices with 3 edges.
  3 :  1  2
  2 :  3  1
  1 :  3  2

Example 2: create a cycle on 3 vertices with edge weights:

(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : create_graph([1,2,3], [[[1,2], 1.0], [[2,3], 2.0],
                          [[1,3], 3.0]])$
(%i3) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 3 vertices with 3 edges.
  3 :  1  2
  2 :  3  1
  1 :  3  2

Example 3: create a directed graph:

(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) d : create_graph(
         [1,3], [1,4],
         [2,3], [2,4]
        'directed = true)$
(%i3) print_graph(d)$
Digraph on 4 vertices with 4 arcs.
  4 :
  3 :
  2 :  4  3
  1 :  4  3
Categories: Package graphs ·
Function: copy_graph (g)

Returns a copy of the graph g.

Function: circulant_graph (n, d)

Returns the circulant graph with parameters n and d.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : circulant_graph(10, [1,3])$
(%i3) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 10 vertices with 20 edges.
  9 :  2  6  0  8
  8 :  1  5  9  7
  7 :  0  4  8  6
  6 :  9  3  7  5
  5 :  8  2  6  4
  4 :  7  1  5  3
  3 :  6  0  4  2
  2 :  9  5  3  1
  1 :  8  4  2  0
  0 :  7  3  9  1
Function: clebsch_graph ()

Returns the Clebsch graph.

Function: complement_graph (g)

Returns the complement of the graph g.

Function: complete_bipartite_graph (n, m)

Returns the complete bipartite graph on n+m vertices.

Function: complete_graph (n)

Returns the complete graph on n vertices.

Function: cycle_digraph (n)

Returns the directed cycle on n vertices.

Function: cycle_graph (n)

Returns the cycle on n vertices.

Function: cuboctahedron_graph (n)

Returns the cuboctahedron graph.

Function: cube_graph (n)

Returns the n-dimensional cube.

Function: dodecahedron_graph ()

Returns the dodecahedron graph.

Function: empty_graph (n)

Returns the empty graph on n vertices.

Function: flower_snark (n)

Returns the flower graph on 4n vertices.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) f5 : flower_snark(5)$
(%i3) chromatic_index(f5);
(%o3)                           4
Function: from_adjacency_matrix (A)

Returns the graph represented by its adjacency matrix A.

Function: frucht_graph ()

Returns the Frucht graph.

Function: graph_product (g1, g1)

Returns the direct product of graphs g1 and g2.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) grid : graph_product(path_graph(3), path_graph(4))$
(%i3) draw_graph(grid)$
Function: graph_union (g1, g1)

Returns the union (sum) of graphs g1 and g2.

Function: grid_graph (n, m)

Returns the n x m grid.

Function: great_rhombicosidodecahedron_graph ()

Returns the great rhombicosidodecahedron graph.

Function: great_rhombicuboctahedron_graph ()

Returns the great rhombicuboctahedron graph.

Function: grotzch_graph ()

Returns the Grotzch graph.

Function: heawood_graph ()

Returns the Heawood graph.

Function: icosahedron_graph ()

Returns the icosahedron graph.

Function: icosidodecahedron_graph ()

Returns the icosidodecahedron graph.

Function: induced_subgraph (V, g)

Returns the graph induced on the subset V of vertices of the graph g.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) V : [0,1,2,3,4]$
(%i4) g : induced_subgraph(V, p)$
(%i5) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 5 vertices with 5 edges.
  4 :  3  0
  3 :  2  4
  2 :  1  3
  1 :  0  2
  0 :  1  4
Function: line_graph (g)

Returns the line graph of the graph g.

Function: make_graph
    make_graph (vrt, f)
    make_graph (vrt, f, oriented)

Creates a graph using a predicate function f.

vrt is a list or set of vertices, or an integer.

When vrt is a list or set, its elements may be any integers, and, if a list, may be listed in any order.

When vrt is an integer, vertices of the graph will be integers from 1 to vrt.

f is a predicate function. Two vertices a and b will be connected if f(a,b)=true.

If directed is not false, then the graph will be directed.

Example 1:

(%i1) load("graphs")$
(%i2) g : make_graph(powerset({1,2,3,4,5}, 2), disjointp)$
(%i3) is_isomorphic(g, petersen_graph());
(%o3)                         true
(%i4) get_vertex_label(1, g);
(%o4)                        {1, 2}

Example 2:

(%i1) load("graphs")$
(%i2) f(i, j) := is (mod(j, i)=0)$
(%i3) g : make_graph(20, f, directed=true)$
(%i4) out_neighbors(4, g);
(%o4)                    [8, 12, 16, 20]
(%i5) in_neighbors(18, g);
(%o5)                    [1, 2, 3, 6, 9]
Function: mycielski_graph (g)

Returns the mycielskian graph of the graph g.

Function: new_graph ()

Returns the graph with no vertices and no edges.

Function: path_digraph (n)

Returns the directed path on n vertices.

Function: path_graph (n)

Returns the path on n vertices.

Function: petersen_graph
    petersen_graph ()
    petersen_graph (n, d)

Returns the petersen graph P_{n,d}. The default values for n and d are n=5 and d=2.

Function: random_bipartite_graph (a, b, p)

Returns a random bipartite graph on a+b vertices. Each edge is present with probability p.

Function: random_digraph (n, p)

Returns a random directed graph on n vertices. Each arc is present with probability p.

Function: random_regular_graph
    random_regular_graph (n)
    random_regular_graph (n, d)

Returns a random d-regular graph on n vertices. The default value for d is d=3.

Function: random_graph (n, p)

Returns a random graph on n vertices. Each edge is present with probability p.

Function: random_graph1 (n, m)

Returns a random graph on n vertices and random m edges.

Function: random_network (n, p, w)

Returns a random network on n vertices. Each arc is present with probability p and has a weight in the range [0,w]. The function returns a list [network, source, sink].


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) [net, s, t] : random_network(50, 0.2, 10.0);
(%o2)                   [DIGRAPH, 50, 51]
(%i3) max_flow(net, s, t)$
(%i4) first(%);
(%o4)                   27.65981397932507
Function: random_tournament (n)

Returns a random tournament on n vertices.

Function: random_tree (n)

Returns a random tree on n vertices.

Function: small_rhombicosidodecahedron_graph ()

Returns the small rhombicosidodecahedron graph.

Function: small_rhombicuboctahedron_graph ()

Returns the small rhombicuboctahedron graph.

Function: snub_cube_graph ()

Returns the snub cube graph.

Function: snub_dodecahedron_graph ()

Returns the snub dodecahedron graph.

Function: truncated_cube_graph ()

Returns the truncated cube graph.

Function: truncated_dodecahedron_graph ()

Returns the truncated dodecahedron graph.

Function: truncated_icosahedron_graph ()

Returns the truncated icosahedron graph.

Function: truncated_tetrahedron_graph ()

Returns the truncated tetrahedron graph.

Function: tutte_graph ()

Returns the Tutte graph.

Function: underlying_graph (g)

Returns the underlying graph of the directed graph g.

Function: wheel_graph (n)

Returns the wheel graph on n+1 vertices.

65.2.2 Graph properties

Function: adjacency_matrix (gr)

Returns the adjacency matrix of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) c5 : cycle_graph(4)$
(%i3) adjacency_matrix(c5);
                         [ 0  1  0  1 ]
                         [            ]
                         [ 1  0  1  0 ]
(%o3)                    [            ]
                         [ 0  1  0  1 ]
                         [            ]
                         [ 1  0  1  0 ]
Function: average_degree (gr)

Returns the average degree of vertices in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) average_degree(grotzch_graph());
(%o2)                          --
Function: biconnected_components (gr)

Returns the (vertex sets of) 2-connected components of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : create_graph(
(%i3) biconnected_components(g);
(%o3)        [[6, 7], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2], [2, 3, 4]]
Function: bipartition (gr)

Returns a bipartition of the vertices of the graph gr or an empty list if gr is not bipartite.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) h : heawood_graph()$
(%i3) [A,B]:bipartition(h);
(%o3)  [[8, 12, 6, 10, 0, 2, 4], [13, 5, 11, 7, 9, 1, 3]]
(%i4) draw_graph(h, show_vertices=A, program=circular)$
Function: chromatic_index (gr)

Returns the chromatic index of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) chromatic_index(p);
(%o3)                           4
Function: chromatic_number (gr)

Returns the chromatic number of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) chromatic_number(cycle_graph(5));
(%o2)                           3
(%i3) chromatic_number(cycle_graph(6));
(%o3)                           2
Function: clear_edge_weight (e, gr)

Removes the weight of the edge e in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : create_graph(3, [[[0,1], 1.5], [[1,2], 1.3]])$
(%i3) get_edge_weight([0,1], g);
(%o3)                          1.5
(%i4) clear_edge_weight([0,1], g)$
(%i5) get_edge_weight([0,1], g);
(%o5)                           1
Function: clear_vertex_label (v, gr)

Removes the label of the vertex v in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : create_graph([[0,"Zero"], [1, "One"]], [[0,1]])$
(%i3) get_vertex_label(0, g);
(%o3)                         Zero
(%i4) clear_vertex_label(0, g);
(%o4)                         done
(%i5) get_vertex_label(0, g);
(%o5)                         false
Function: connected_components (gr)

Returns the (vertex sets of) connected components of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g: graph_union(cycle_graph(5), path_graph(4))$
(%i3) connected_components(g);
(%o3)            [[1, 2, 3, 4, 0], [8, 7, 6, 5]]
Function: diameter (gr)

Returns the diameter of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) diameter(dodecahedron_graph());
(%o2)                           5
Function: edge_coloring (gr)

Returns an optimal coloring of the edges of the graph gr.

The function returns the chromatic index and a list representing the coloring of the edges of gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) [ch_index, col] : edge_coloring(p);
(%o3) [4, [[[0, 5], 3], [[5, 7], 1], [[0, 1], 1], [[1, 6], 2], 
[[6, 8], 1], [[1, 2], 3], [[2, 7], 4], [[7, 9], 2], [[2, 3], 2], 
[[3, 8], 3], [[5, 8], 2], [[3, 4], 1], [[4, 9], 4], [[6, 9], 3], 
[[0, 4], 2]]]
(%i4) assoc([0,1], col);
(%o4)                           1
(%i5) assoc([0,5], col);
(%o5)                           3
Function: degree_sequence (gr)

Returns the list of vertex degrees of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) degree_sequence(random_graph(10, 0.4));
(%o2)            [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
Function: edge_connectivity (gr)

Returns the edge-connectivity of the graph gr.

See also min_edge_cut.

Function: edges (gr)

Returns the list of edges (arcs) in a (directed) graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) edges(complete_graph(4));
(%o2)   [[2, 3], [1, 3], [1, 2], [0, 3], [0, 2], [0, 1]]
Function: get_edge_weight
    get_edge_weight (e, gr)
    get_edge_weight (e, gr, ifnot)

Returns the weight of the edge e in the graph gr.

If there is no weight assigned to the edge, the function returns 1. If the edge is not present in the graph, the function signals an error or returns the optional argument ifnot.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) c5 : cycle_graph(5)$
(%i3) get_edge_weight([1,2], c5);
(%o3)                           1
(%i4) set_edge_weight([1,2], 2.0, c5);
(%o4)                         done
(%i5) get_edge_weight([1,2], c5);
(%o5)                          2.0
Function: get_vertex_label (v, gr)

Returns the label of the vertex v in the graph gr.

If no label is assigned to vertex v, get_vertex_label returns false.


(%i1) load("graphs")$
(%i2) g: create_graph([[0, "Zero"], [1, "One"], 2, 3], [])$
(%i3) get_vertex_label(0, g);
(%o3)                         Zero
(%i4) get_vertex_label(2, g);
(%o4)                         false
Function: get_unique_vertex_by_label (l, gr)

Returns the unique vertex which has the label l in graph gr.

If there is no such vertex, get_unique_vertex_by_label returns false.

If there are two or more vertices with label l, get_unique_vertex_by_label reports an error.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g: create_graph ([[0, "Zero"], [1, "One"], [2, "Other"], [3, "Other"]], []) $
(%i3) get_unique_vertex_by_label ("Zero", g);
(%o3)                           0
(%i4) get_unique_vertex_by_label ("Two", g);
(%o4)                         false
(%i5) errcatch (get_unique_vertex_by_label ("Other", g));
get_unique_vertex_by_label: two or more vertices have the same label "Other"
(%o5)                          []
Function: get_all_vertices_by_label (l, gr)

Returns all vertices, if any, which have the label l in graph gr.

If there are no such vertices, get_all_vertices_by_label returns an empty list [].


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g: create_graph ([[0, "Zero"], [1, "One"], [2, "Other"], [3, "Other"]], []) $
(%i3) get_all_vertices_by_label ("Zero", g);
(%o3)                          [0]
(%i4) get_all_vertices_by_label ("Two", g);
(%o4)                          []
(%i5) get_all_vertices_by_label ("Other", g);
(%o5)                        [2, 3]
Function: graph_charpoly (gr, x)

Returns the characteristic polynomial (in variable x) of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) graph_charpoly(p, x), factor;
                                   5        4
(%o3)               (x - 3) (x - 1)  (x + 2)
Function: graph_center (gr)

Returns the center of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : grid_graph(5,5)$
(%i3) graph_center(g);
(%o3)                         [12]
Function: graph_eigenvalues (gr)

Returns the eigenvalues of the graph gr. The function returns eigenvalues in the same format as maxima eigenvalues function.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) graph_eigenvalues(p);
(%o3)               [[3, - 2, 1], [1, 4, 5]]
Function: graph_periphery (gr)

Returns the periphery of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : grid_graph(5,5)$
(%i3) graph_periphery(g);
(%o3)                    [24, 20, 4, 0]
Function: graph_size (gr)

Returns the number of edges in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) graph_size(p);
(%o3)                          15
Function: graph_order (gr)

Returns the number of vertices in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) graph_order(p);
(%o3)                          10
Function: girth (gr)

Returns the length of the shortest cycle in gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : heawood_graph()$
(%i3) girth(g);
(%o3)                           6
Function: hamilton_cycle (gr)

Returns the Hamilton cycle of the graph gr or an empty list if gr is not hamiltonian.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) c : cube_graph(3)$
(%i3) hc : hamilton_cycle(c);
(%o3)              [7, 3, 2, 6, 4, 0, 1, 5, 7]
(%i4) draw_graph(c, show_edges=vertices_to_cycle(hc))$
Function: hamilton_path (gr)

Returns the Hamilton path of the graph gr or an empty list if gr does not have a Hamilton path.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) hp : hamilton_path(p);
(%o3)            [0, 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 8, 3, 4, 9]
(%i4) draw_graph(p, show_edges=vertices_to_path(hp))$
Function: isomorphism (gr1, gr2)

Returns a an isomorphism between graphs/digraphs gr1 and gr2. If gr1 and gr2 are not isomorphic, it returns an empty list.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) clk5:complement_graph(line_graph(complete_graph(5)))$
(%i3) isomorphism(clk5, petersen_graph());
(%o3) [9 -> 0, 2 -> 1, 6 -> 2, 5 -> 3, 0 -> 4, 1 -> 5, 3 -> 6, 
                                          4 -> 7, 7 -> 8, 8 -> 9]
Function: in_neighbors (v, gr)

Returns the list of in-neighbors of the vertex v in the directed graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : path_digraph(3)$
(%i3) in_neighbors(2, p);
(%o3)                          [1]
(%i4) out_neighbors(2, p);
(%o4)                          []
Function: is_biconnected (gr)

Returns true if gr is 2-connected and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_biconnected(cycle_graph(5));
(%o2)                         true
(%i3) is_biconnected(path_graph(5));
(%o3)                         false
Function: is_bipartite (gr)

Returns true if gr is bipartite (2-colorable) and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_bipartite(petersen_graph());
(%o2)                         false
(%i3) is_bipartite(heawood_graph());
(%o3)                         true
Function: is_connected (gr)

Returns true if the graph gr is connected and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_connected(graph_union(cycle_graph(4), path_graph(3)));
(%o2)                         false
Function: is_digraph (gr)

Returns true if gr is a directed graph and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_digraph(path_graph(5));
(%o2)                         false
(%i3) is_digraph(path_digraph(5));
(%o3)                         true
Function: is_edge_in_graph (e, gr)

Returns true if e is an edge (arc) in the (directed) graph g and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) c4 : cycle_graph(4)$
(%i3) is_edge_in_graph([2,3], c4);
(%o3)                         true
(%i4) is_edge_in_graph([3,2], c4);
(%o4)                         true
(%i5) is_edge_in_graph([2,4], c4);
(%o5)                         false
(%i6) is_edge_in_graph([3,2], cycle_digraph(4));
(%o6)                         false
Function: is_graph (gr)

Returns true if gr is a graph and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_graph(path_graph(5));
(%o2)                         true
(%i3) is_graph(path_digraph(5));
(%o3)                         false
Function: is_graph_or_digraph (gr)

Returns true if gr is a graph or a directed graph and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_graph_or_digraph(path_graph(5));
(%o2)                         true
(%i3) is_graph_or_digraph(path_digraph(5));
(%o3)                         true
Function: is_isomorphic (gr1, gr2)

Returns true if graphs/digraphs gr1 and gr2 are isomorphic and false otherwise.

See also isomorphism.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) clk5:complement_graph(line_graph(complete_graph(5)))$
(%i3) is_isomorphic(clk5, petersen_graph());
(%o3)                         true
Function: is_planar (gr)

Returns true if gr is a planar graph and false otherwise.

The algorithm used is the Demoucron’s algorithm, which is a quadratic time algorithm.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_planar(dodecahedron_graph());
(%o2)                         true
(%i3) is_planar(petersen_graph());
(%o3)                         false
(%i4) is_planar(petersen_graph(10,2));
(%o4)                         true
Function: is_sconnected (gr)

Returns true if the directed graph gr is strongly connected and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_sconnected(cycle_digraph(5));
(%o2)                         true
(%i3) is_sconnected(path_digraph(5));
(%o3)                         false
Function: is_vertex_in_graph (v, gr)

Returns true if v is a vertex in the graph g and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) c4 : cycle_graph(4)$
(%i3) is_vertex_in_graph(0, c4);
(%o3)                         true
(%i4) is_vertex_in_graph(6, c4);
(%o4)                         false
Function: is_tree (gr)

Returns true if gr is a tree and false otherwise.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) is_tree(random_tree(4));
(%o2)                         true
(%i3) is_tree(graph_union(random_tree(4), random_tree(5)));
(%o3)                         false
Function: laplacian_matrix (gr)

Returns the laplacian matrix of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) laplacian_matrix(cycle_graph(5));
                   [  2   - 1   0    0   - 1 ]
                   [                         ]
                   [ - 1   2   - 1   0    0  ]
                   [                         ]
(%o2)              [  0   - 1   2   - 1   0  ]
                   [                         ]
                   [  0    0   - 1   2   - 1 ]
                   [                         ]
                   [ - 1   0    0   - 1   2  ]
Function: max_clique (gr)

Returns a maximum clique of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : random_graph(100, 0.5)$
(%i3) max_clique(g);
(%o3)          [6, 12, 31, 36, 52, 59, 62, 63, 80]
Function: max_degree (gr)

Returns the maximal degree of vertices of the graph gr and a vertex of maximal degree.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : random_graph(100, 0.02)$
(%i3) max_degree(g);
(%o3)                        [6, 79]
(%i4) vertex_degree(95, g);
(%o4)                           2
Function: max_flow (net, s, t)

Returns a maximum flow through the network net with the source s and the sink t.

The function returns the value of the maximal flow and a list representing the weights of the arcs in the optimal flow.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) net : create_graph(
  [[[1,2], 1.0],
   [[1,3], 0.3],
   [[2,4], 0.2],
   [[2,5], 0.3],
   [[3,4], 0.1],
   [[3,5], 0.1],
   [[4,6], 1.0],
   [[5,6], 1.0]],
(%i3) [flow_value, flow] : max_flow(net, 1, 6);
(%o3) [0.7, [[[1, 2], 0.5], [[1, 3], 0.2], [[2, 4], 0.2], 
[[2, 5], 0.3], [[3, 4], 0.1], [[3, 5], 0.1], [[4, 6], 0.3], 
[[5, 6], 0.4]]]
(%i4) fl : 0$
(%i5) for u in out_neighbors(1, net)
     do fl : fl + assoc([1, u], flow)$
(%i6) fl;
(%o6)                          0.7
Function: max_independent_set (gr)

Returns a maximum independent set of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) d : dodecahedron_graph()$
(%i3) mi : max_independent_set(d);
(%o3)             [0, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19]
(%i4) draw_graph(d, show_vertices=mi)$
Function: max_matching (gr)

Returns a maximum matching of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) d : dodecahedron_graph()$
(%i3) m : max_matching(d);
(%o3) [[5, 7], [8, 9], [6, 10], [14, 19], [13, 18], [12, 17], 
                               [11, 16], [0, 15], [3, 4], [1, 2]]
(%i4) draw_graph(d, show_edges=m)$
Function: min_degree (gr)

Returns the minimum degree of vertices of the graph gr and a vertex of minimum degree.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : random_graph(100, 0.1)$
(%i3) min_degree(g);
(%o3)                        [3, 49]
(%i4) vertex_degree(21, g);
(%o4)                           9
Function: min_edge_cut (gr)

Returns the minimum edge cut in the graph gr.

See also edge_connectivity.

Function: min_vertex_cover (gr)

Returns the minimum vertex cover of the graph gr.

Function: min_vertex_cut (gr)

Returns the minimum vertex cut in the graph gr.

See also vertex_connectivity.

Function: minimum_spanning_tree (gr)

Returns the minimum spanning tree of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : graph_product(path_graph(10), path_graph(10))$
(%i3) t : minimum_spanning_tree(g)$
(%i4) draw_graph(g, show_edges=edges(t))$
Function: neighbors (v, gr)

Returns the list of neighbors of the vertex v in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : petersen_graph()$
(%i3) neighbors(3, p);
(%o3)                       [4, 8, 2]
Function: odd_girth (gr)

Returns the length of the shortest odd cycle in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : graph_product(cycle_graph(4), cycle_graph(7))$
(%i3) girth(g);
(%o3)                           4
(%i4) odd_girth(g);
(%o4)                           7
Function: out_neighbors (v, gr)

Returns the list of out-neighbors of the vertex v in the directed graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : path_digraph(3)$
(%i3) in_neighbors(2, p);
(%o3)                          [1]
(%i4) out_neighbors(2, p);
(%o4)                          []
Function: planar_embedding (gr)

Returns the list of facial walks in a planar embedding of gr and false if gr is not a planar graph.

The graph gr must be biconnected.

The algorithm used is the Demoucron’s algorithm, which is a quadratic time algorithm.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) planar_embedding(grid_graph(3,3));
(%o2) [[3, 6, 7, 8, 5, 2, 1, 0], [4, 3, 0, 1], [3, 4, 7, 6], 
                                      [8, 7, 4, 5], [1, 2, 5, 4]]
Function: print_graph (gr)

Prints some information about the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) c5 : cycle_graph(5)$
(%i3) print_graph(c5)$
Graph on 5 vertices with 5 edges.
  4 :  0  3
  3 :  4  2
  2 :  3  1
  1 :  2  0
  0 :  4  1
(%i4) dc5 : cycle_digraph(5)$
(%i5) print_graph(dc5)$
Digraph on 5 vertices with 5 arcs.
  4 :  0
  3 :  4
  2 :  3
  1 :  2
  0 :  1
(%i6) out_neighbors(0, dc5);
(%o6)                          [1]
Categories: Package graphs ·
Function: radius (gr)

Returns the radius of the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) radius(dodecahedron_graph());
(%o2)                           5
Function: set_edge_weight (e, w, gr)

Assigns the weight w to the edge e in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : create_graph([1, 2], [[[1,2], 1.2]])$
(%i3) get_edge_weight([1,2], g);
(%o3)                          1.2
(%i4) set_edge_weight([1,2], 2.1, g);
(%o4)                         done
(%i5) get_edge_weight([1,2], g);
(%o5)                          2.1
Function: set_vertex_label (v, l, gr)

Assigns the label l to the vertex v in the graph gr.

A label may be any Maxima expression, and two or more vertices may have the same label.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : create_graph([[1, "One"], [2, "Two"]], [[1, 2]])$
(%i3) get_vertex_label(1, g);
(%o3)                          One
(%i4) set_vertex_label(1, "oNE", g);
(%o4)                         done
(%i5) get_vertex_label(1, g);
(%o5)                          oNE
(%i6) h : create_graph([[11, x], [22, y], [33, x + y]], [[11, 33], [22, 33]]) $
(%i7) get_vertex_label (33, h);
(%o7)                         y + x
Function: shortest_path (u, v, gr)

Returns the shortest path from u to v in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) d : dodecahedron_graph()$
(%i3) path : shortest_path(0, 7, d);
(%o3)                   [0, 1, 19, 13, 7]
(%i4) draw_graph(d, show_edges=vertices_to_path(path))$
Function: shortest_weighted_path (u, v, gr)

Returns the length of the shortest weighted path and the shortest weighted path from u to v in the graph gr.

The length of a weighted path is the sum of edge weights of edges in the path. If an edge has no weight, then it has a default weight 1.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g: petersen_graph(20, 2)$
(%i3) for e in edges(g) do set_edge_weight(e, random(1.0), g)$
(%i4) shortest_weighted_path(0, 10, g);
(%o4) [2.575143920268482, [0, 20, 38, 36, 34, 32, 30, 10]]
Function: strong_components (gr)

Returns the strong components of a directed graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) t : random_tournament(4)$
(%i3) strong_components(t);
(%o3)                 [[1], [0], [2], [3]]
(%i4) vertex_out_degree(3, t);
(%o4)                           3
Function: topological_sort (dag)

Returns a topological sorting of the vertices of a directed graph dag or an empty list if dag is not a directed acyclic graph.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g:create_graph(
          [1,2], [2,5], [5,3],
          [5,4], [3,4], [1,3]
(%i3) topological_sort(g);
(%o3)                    [1, 2, 5, 3, 4]
Function: vertex_connectivity (g)

Returns the vertex connectivity of the graph g.

See also min_vertex_cut.

Function: vertex_degree (v, gr)

Returns the degree of the vertex v in the graph gr.

Function: vertex_distance (u, v, gr)

Returns the length of the shortest path between u and v in the (directed) graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) d : dodecahedron_graph()$
(%i3) vertex_distance(0, 7, d);
(%o3)                           4
(%i4) shortest_path(0, 7, d);
(%o4)                   [0, 1, 19, 13, 7]
Function: vertex_eccentricity (v, gr)

Returns the eccentricity of the vertex v in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g:cycle_graph(7)$
(%i3) vertex_eccentricity(0, g);
(%o3)                           3
Function: vertex_in_degree (v, gr)

Returns the in-degree of the vertex v in the directed graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p5 : path_digraph(5)$
(%i3) print_graph(p5)$
Digraph on 5 vertices with 4 arcs.
  4 :
  3 :  4
  2 :  3
  1 :  2
  0 :  1
(%i4) vertex_in_degree(4, p5);
(%o4)                           1
(%i5) in_neighbors(4, p5);
(%o5)                          [3]
Function: vertex_out_degree (v, gr)

Returns the out-degree of the vertex v in the directed graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) t : random_tournament(10)$
(%i3) vertex_out_degree(0, t);
(%o3)                           2
(%i4) out_neighbors(0, t);
(%o4)                        [7, 1]
Function: vertices (gr)

Returns the list of vertices in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) vertices(complete_graph(4));
(%o2)                     [3, 2, 1, 0]
Function: vertex_coloring (gr)

Returns an optimal coloring of the vertices of the graph gr.

The function returns the chromatic number and a list representing the coloring of the vertices of gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p:petersen_graph()$
(%i3) vertex_coloring(p);
(%o3) [3, [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 1], [5, 3], 
                                 [6, 1], [7, 1], [8, 2], [9, 2]]]
Function: wiener_index (gr)

Returns the Wiener index of the graph gr.


(%i2) wiener_index(dodecahedron_graph());
(%o2)                          500

65.2.3 Modifying graphs

Function: add_edge (e, gr)

Adds the edge e to the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) p : path_graph(4)$
(%i3) neighbors(0, p);
(%o3)                          [1]
(%i4) add_edge([0,3], p);
(%o4)                         done
(%i5) neighbors(0, p);
(%o5)                        [3, 1]
Function: add_edges (e_list, gr)

Adds all edges in the list e_list to the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : empty_graph(3)$
(%i3) add_edges([[0,1],[1,2]], g)$
(%i4) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 3 vertices with 2 edges.
  2 :  1
  1 :  2  0
  0 :  1
Function: add_vertex (v, gr)

Adds the vertex v to the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : path_graph(2)$
(%i3) add_vertex(2, g)$
(%i4) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 3 vertices with 1 edges.
  2 :
  1 :  0
  0 :  1
Function: add_vertices (v_list, gr)

Adds all vertices in the list v_list to the graph gr. A vertex may be any integer, and v_list may contain vertices in any order.

Function: connect_vertices (v_list, u_list, gr)

Connects all vertices from the list v_list with the vertices in the list u_list in the graph gr.

v_list and u_list can be single vertices or lists of vertices.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g : empty_graph(4)$
(%i3) connect_vertices(0, [1,2,3], g)$
(%i4) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 4 vertices with 3 edges.
  3 :  0
  2 :  0
  1 :  0
  0 :  3  2  1
Function: contract_edge (e, gr)

Contracts the edge e in the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g: create_graph(
      8, [[0,3],[1,3],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[4,6],[4,7]])$
(%i3) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 8 vertices with 7 edges.
  7 :  4
  6 :  4
  5 :  4
  4 :  7  6  5  3
  3 :  4  2  1  0
  2 :  3
  1 :  3
  0 :  3
(%i4) contract_edge([3,4], g)$
(%i5) print_graph(g)$
Graph on 7 vertices with 6 edges.
  7 :  3
  6 :  3
  5 :  3
  3 :  5  6  7  2  1  0
  2 :  3
  1 :  3
  0 :  3
Function: remove_edge (e, gr)

Removes the edge e from the graph gr.


(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) c3 : cycle_graph(3)$
(%i3) remove_edge([0,1], c3)$
(%i4) print_graph(c3)$
Graph on 3 vertices with 2 edges.
  2 :  0  1
  1 :  2
  0 :  2
Function: remove_vertex (v, gr)

Removes the vertex v from the graph gr.

Categories: Package graphs ·

65.2.4 Reading and writing to files

Function: dimacs_export
    dimacs_export (gr, fl)
    dimacs_export (gr, fl, comment1, ..., commentn)

Exports the graph into the file fl in the DIMACS format. Optional comments will be added to the top of the file.

Function: dimacs_import (fl)

Returns the graph from file fl in the DIMACS format.

Function: graph6_decode (str)

Returns the graph encoded in the graph6 format in the string str.

Function: graph6_encode (gr)

Returns a string which encodes the graph gr in the graph6 format.

Function: graph6_export (gr_list, fl)

Exports graphs in the list gr_list to the file fl in the graph6 format.

Function: graph6_import (fl)

Returns a list of graphs from the file fl in the graph6 format.

Function: sparse6_decode (str)

Returns the graph encoded in the sparse6 format in the string str.

Function: sparse6_encode (gr)

Returns a string which encodes the graph gr in the sparse6 format.

Function: sparse6_export (gr_list, fl)

Exports graphs in the list gr_list to the file fl in the sparse6 format.

Function: sparse6_import (fl)

Returns a list of graphs from the file fl in the sparse6 format.

65.2.5 Visualization

Function: draw_graph
    draw_graph (graph)
    draw_graph (graph, option1, ..., optionk)

Draws the graph using the Package draw package.

The algorithm used to position vertices is specified by the optional argument program. The default value is program=spring_embedding. draw_graph can also use the graphviz programs for positioning vertices, but graphviz must be installed separately.

Example 1:

(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g:grid_graph(10,10)$
(%i3) m:max_matching(g)$
(%i4) draw_graph(g,
   show_edges=m, edge_type=dots,

Example 2:

(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g:create_graph(16,
(%i3) t:minimum_spanning_tree(g)$
(%i4) draw_graph(

Example 3:

(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) g:create_graph(16,
(%i3) mi : max_independent_set(g)$
(%i4) draw_graph(

Example 4:

(%i1) load ("graphs")$
(%i2) net : create_graph(
     [[0,1], 3], [[0,2], 2],
     [[1,3], 1], [[1,4], 3],
     [[2,3], 2], [[2,4], 2],
     [[4,5], 2], [[3,5], 2]
(%i3) draw_graph(

Example 5:

(%i1) load("graphs")$
(%i2) g: petersen_graph(20, 2);
(%o2)                         GRAPH
(%i3) draw_graph(g, redraw=true, program=planar_embedding);
(%o3)                         done

Example 6:

(%i1) load("graphs")$
(%i2) t: tutte_graph();
(%o2)                         GRAPH
(%i3) draw_graph(t, redraw=true, 
(%o3)                         done
Categories: Package graphs ·
Option variable: draw_graph_program

Default value: spring_embedding

The default value for the program used to position vertices in draw_graph program.

draw_graph option: show_id

Default value: false

If true then ids of the vertices are displayed.

draw_graph option: show_label

Default value: false

If true then labels of the vertices are displayed.

draw_graph option: label_alignment

Default value: center

Determines how to align the labels/ids of the vertices. Can be left, center or right.

draw_graph option: show_weight

Default value: false

If true then weights of the edges are displayed.

draw_graph option: vertex_type

Default value: circle

Defines how vertices are displayed. See the point_type option for the draw package for possible values.

draw_graph option: vertex_size

The size of vertices.

draw_graph option: vertex_color

The color used for displaying vertices.

draw_graph option: show_vertices

Default value: []

Display selected vertices in the using a different color.

draw_graph option: show_vertex_type

Defines how vertices specified in show_vertices are displayed. See the point_type option for the draw package for possible values.

draw_graph option: show_vertex_size

The size of vertices in show_vertices.

draw_graph option: show_vertex_color

The color used for displaying vertices in the show_vertices list.

draw_graph option: vertex_partition

Default value: []

A partition [[v1,v2,...],...,[vk,...,vn]] of the vertices of the graph. The vertices of each list in the partition will be drawn in a different color.

draw_graph option: vertex_coloring

Specifies coloring of the vertices. The coloring col must be specified in the format as returned by vertex_coloring.

draw_graph option: edge_color

The color used for displaying edges.

draw_graph option: edge_width

The width of edges.

draw_graph option: edge_type

Defines how edges are displayed. See the line_type option for the draw package.

draw_graph option: show_edges

Display edges specified in the list e_list using a different color.

draw_graph option: show_edge_color

The color used for displaying edges in the show_edges list.

draw_graph option: show_edge_width

The width of edges in show_edges.

draw_graph option: show_edge_type

Defines how edges in show_edges are displayed. See the line_type option for the draw package.

draw_graph option: edge_partition

A partition [[e1,e2,...],...,[ek,...,em]] of edges of the graph. The edges of each list in the partition will be drawn using a different color.

draw_graph option: edge_coloring

The coloring of edges. The coloring must be specified in the format as returned by the function edge_coloring.

draw_graph option: redraw

Default value: false

If true, vertex positions are recomputed even if the positions have been saved from a previous drawing of the graph.

draw_graph option: head_angle

Default value: 15

The angle for the arrows displayed on arcs (in directed graphs).

draw_graph option: head_length

Default value: 0.1

The length for the arrows displayed on arcs (in directed graphs).

draw_graph option: spring_embedding_depth

Default value: 50

The number of iterations in the spring embedding graph drawing algorithm.

draw_graph option: terminal

The terminal used for drawing (see the terminal option in the draw package).

draw_graph option: file_name

The filename of the drawing if terminal is not screen.

draw_graph option: program

Defines the program used for positioning vertices of the graph. Can be one of the graphviz programs (dot, neato, twopi, circ, fdp), circular, spring_embedding or planar_embedding. planar_embedding is only available for 2-connected planar graphs. When program=spring_embedding, a set of vertices with fixed position can be specified with the fixed_vertices option.

draw_graph option: fixed_vertices

Specifies a list of vertices which will have positions fixed along a regular polygon. Can be used when program=spring_embedding.

Function: vertices_to_path (v_list)

Converts a list v_list of vertices to a list of edges of the path defined by v_list.

Categories: Package graphs ·
Function: vertices_to_cycle (v_list)

Converts a list v_list of vertices to a list of edges of the cycle defined by v_list.

Categories: Package graphs ·

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