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colnew solves mixed-order systems of boundary-value problems (BVPs) in ordinary differential equations(ODEs). It is a Common Lisp translation (via f2cl) of the Fortran routine COLNEW (see Bader&Ascher 1987).
The method uses collocation at Gaussian points and interpolation using basis functions. Approximate solutions are computed on a sequence of automatically selected meshes until a user-specified set of tolerances is satisfied. A damped Newton’s method is used for the nonlinear iteration.
COLNEW has some advanced features:
The maxima interface to COLNEW exposes the full power and complexity of the Fortran 77 implementation.
COLNEW is a modification of the package COLSYS (see Ascher 1981a and Ascher 1981b). It incorporates a new basis representation replacing B-splines, and improvements for the linear and nonlinear algebraic equation solvers. The package can be referenced as either COLNEW or COLSYS.
Many practical problems that are not in the standard form accepted by COLNEW can be converted into this form. See Asher&Russell 1981.
Next: Examples for colnew, Previous: Introduction to colnew, Up: Package colnew [Contents][Index]
colnew_expert solves mixed-order systems of boundary-value problems (BVPs) in ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using a numerical collocation method.
colnew_expert returns the list [iflag, fspace, ispace].
iflag is an error flag. Lists fspace and ispace contain the
state of the solution
and can be: used by colnew_appsln
to calculate solution values
at arbitrary points in the solution domain; and passed back to colnew_expert to restart the solution process
with different arguments.
The function arguments are:
Number of differential equations (ncomp ≤ 20)
Integer list of length ncomp. m[j] is the order of the j-th differential equation, with 1 ≤ m[j] ≤ 4 and mstar = sum(m[j]) ≤ 40.
Left end of interval
Right end of interval
Real list of length mstar. zeta[j] is the j-th boundary or side condition point. The list zeta must be ordered, with zeta[j] ≤ zeta[j+1]. All side condition points must be mesh points in all meshes used, see description of ipar[11] and fixpnt below.
A integer list of length 11. The parameters in ipar are:
A list of length ntol=ipar[4]. ltol[j]=k specifies that the j-th tolerance in tol controls the error in the k-th component of z(u).
The list ltol must be ordered with 1 ≤ ltol[1] < ltol[2] < ... < ltol[ntol] ≤ mstar.
An list of length ntol=ipar[4]. tol[j] is the error tolerance on the ltol[j]-th component of z(u).
Thus, the code attempts to satisfy for j=1,...,ntol on each subinterval abs(z(v)-z(u))[k] ≤ tol(j)*abs(z(u))[k]+tol(j) if v(x) is the approximate solution vector.
An list of length ipar[11]. It contains the points, other than aleft and aright, which are to be included in every mesh. All side condition points other than aleft and aright (see zeta) be included as fixed points in fixpnt.
An integer work list of length ipar[6].
A real work list of length ipar[5].
fsub is a function f(x,z1,...,z[mstar]) which realizes the system of ODEs.
It returns a list of ncomp values, one for each ODE. Each value is the highest order derivative in each ode in terms of of x,z1,...,z[mstar] .
dfsub is a function df(x,z1,...,z[mstar]) for evaluating the Jacobian of f.
Name of subroutine gsub(i,z1,z2,...,z[mstar]) for evaluating the i-th component of the boundary value function g(z1,...,z[mstar]). The independent variable x is not an argument of g. The value x=zeta[i] must be substituted in advance.
Name of subroutine dgsub(i,z1,...,z[mstar]) for evaluating the i-th row of the Jacobian of g(z1,...,z[mstar]).
Name of subroutine to evaluate the initial approximation for (u(x)) and for dmval(u(x))= vector of the mj-th derivatives of u(x). This subroutine is needed only if using ipar(9) = 1.
The return value of colnew_expert is the list [iflag, fspace, ispace], where:
The mode of return from colnew_expert.
A list of floats of length ipar[5].
A list of integers of length ipar[6].
uses fspace and ispace to calculate solution values
at arbitrary points. The lists can also be used to restart the solution process
with modified meshes and parameters.
Return a list of solution values from colnew_expert
The function arguments are:
List of x-coordinates to calculate solution.
mstar, the length of the solution list z
List fspace returned from colnew_expert
List ispace returned from colnew_expert
Next: References for colnew, Previous: Functions and Variables for colnew, Up: Package colnew [Contents][Index]
COLNEW is best learned by example.
The problem describes a uniformly loaded beam of variable stiffness, simply supported at both ends.
The problem from Gawain&Ball 1978 and is Example 1 from Ascher 1981a. The maxima code is in file share/colnew/prob1.mac and a Fortran implementation is in share/colnew/ex1.
The differential equation is
with boundary conditions
The exact solution is
There is nconc = 1 differential equation of fourth order. The list of orders m = [4] and mstar = sum(m[j]) = 4.
The unknown vector of length mstar is
The differential equation is expressed as
There are mstar=4 boundary conditions. They are given by a function G(z_1,z_2,z_3,z_4) that returns a list of length mstar. The j-th boundary condition applies at x = zeta[j] and is satisfied when g[j] = 0. We have
j | zeta[j] | Condition | g[j] |
1 | 1.0 | u=0 | z_1 |
2 | 1.0 | u''=0 | z_3 |
3 | 2.0 | u=0 | z_1 |
4 | 2.0 | u''=0 | z_3 |
giving zeta = [1.0,1,0,2.0,2.0] and G(z_1,z_2,z_3,z_4) = [z_1, z_3, z_1, z_3].
The Jacobians df and dg of f and g respectively are determined symbolically.
The solution uses the default five collocation points per subinterval
and the first mesh contains only one subinterval.
The maximum error magnitude in the approximate solution is evaluated at 100 equidistant points
by function colnew_appsln
using the results returned by COLNEW and
compared to the estimates from the code.
(%i1) load("colnew")$
(%i2) /* One differential equation of order 4 */ m : [4]; (%o2) [4]
(%i3) /* Location of boundary conditions */ zeta : float([1,1,2,2]); (%o3) [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0]
(%i4) /* Set up parameter array. Use defaults for all except as shown */ ipar : makelist(0,k,1,11); (%o4) [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
(%i5) /* initial mesh size */ ipar[3] : 1$
(%i6) /* number of tolerances */ ipar[4] : 2$
(%i7) /* size of real work array */ ipar[5] : 2000$
(%i8) /* size of integer work array */ ipar[6] : 200$
(%i9) /* Two error tolerances (on u and its second derivative) */ ltol : [1, 3]; (%o9) [1, 3]
(%i10) tol : [1d-7, 1d-7]; (%o10) [1.0e-7, 1.0e-7]
(%i11) /* Real work array */ fspace : makelist(0d0, k, 1, ipar[5])$
(%i12) /* Integer work array */ ispace : makelist(0, k, 1, ipar[6])$
(%i13) /* no internal fixed points */ fixpnt : []$
(%i14) /* Define the equations */ fsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4) := [(1-6*x^2*z4-6*x*z3)/x^3]; 2 1 - 6 x z4 + (- 6) x z3 (%o14) fsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4) := [------------------------] 3 x
(%i15) df : jacobian(fsub(x,z1, z2, z3, z4),[z1,z2,z3,z4]); [ 6 6 ] (%o15) [ 0 0 - -- - - ] [ 2 x ] [ x ]
(%i16) define(dfsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4), df); [ 6 6 ] (%o16) dfsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4) := [ 0 0 - -- - - ] [ 2 x ] [ x ]
(%i17) g(z1, z2, z3, z4) := [z1, z3, z1, z3]; (%o17) g(z1, z2, z3, z4) := [z1, z3, z1, z3]
(%i18) gsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], g(z1, z2, z3, z4)[i]); (%o18) gsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1 = z1, 'z2 = z2, 'z3 = z3, 'z4 = z4], g(z1, z2, z3, z4) ) i
(%i19) dg:jacobian(g(z1, z2, z3, z4), [z1,z2,z3,z4]); [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ ] [ 0 0 1 0 ] (%o19) [ ] [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ ] [ 0 0 1 0 ]
(%i20) dgsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], row(dg, i)[1]); (%o20) dgsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1 = z1, 'z2 = z2, 'z3 = z3, 'z4 = z4], row(dg, i) ) 1
(%i21) /* Exact solution */ exact(x) := [.25*(10.*log(2.)-3.)*(1.-x) + .5*(1./x+(3.+x)*log(x)-x), -.25*(10.*log(2.)-3.) + .5*(-1./x/x+log(x)+(3.+x)/x-1.), .5*(2./x**3+1./x-3./x/x), .5*(-6./x**4-1./x/x+6./x**3)]$
(%i22) [iflag, fspace, ispace] : colnew_expert(1, m, 1d0, 2d0, zeta, ipar, ltol, tol, fixpnt, ispace, fspace, 0, fsub, dfsub, gsub, dgsub, dummy)$ VERSION *COLNEW* OF COLSYS . THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SUBINTERVALS IS MIN ( 12 (ALLOWED FROM FSPACE), 16 (ALLOWED FROM ISPACE) ) THE NEW MESH (OF 1 SUBINTERVALS), 1.000000 2.000000 THE NEW MESH (OF 2 SUBINTERVALS), 1.000000 1.500000 2.000000 THE NEW MESH (OF 4 SUBINTERVALS), 1.000000 1.250000 1.500000 1.750000 2.000000
(%i23) /* Calculate the error at 101 points using the known exact solution */ block([x : 1, err : makelist(0d0, k, 1, 4), j], for j : 1 thru 101 do block([], zval : colnew_appsln([x], 4, fspace, ispace)[1], u : float(exact(x)), err : map(lambda([a,b], max(a,b)), err, abs(u-zval)), x : x + 0.01), print("The exact errors are:"), printf(true, " ~{ ~11,4e~}~%", err)); The exact errors are: 1.7389E-10 6.2679E-9 2.1843E-7 9.5743E-6 (%o23) false
These equations describe the small finite deformation of a thin shallow spherical cap of constant thickness subject to a quadratically varying axisymmetric external pressure distribution superimposed on a uniform internal pressure distribution. The problem is described in Parker&Wan 1984 and is Example 2 from Ascher 1981a. The maxima code is in file share/colnew/prob2.mac and a Fortran implementation is in share/colnew/ex2.
There are two nonlinear differential equations for φ and ψ over 0 < x < 1.
(ε^4/μ)[φ'' + (1/x) φ' - (1/x^2) φ] + ψ (1-φ/x) - φ = - γ x (1-(1/2)x^2)
μ [ψ'' + (1/x) ψ' - (1/x^2)ψ] - φ(1-φ/(2x)) = 0
subject to boundary conditions φ = 0 and x ψ' - 0.3 ψ + 0.7 x = 0 at x=0 and x=1.
For ε = μ = 0.01, two solutions exists. These are obtained by starting the nonlinear iteration from two different guesses to the solution: initially with the default initial guess; and secondly, with the initial conditions given by the function solutn.
There are nconc = 2 differential equations of second order. The list of orders m = [2,2] and mstar = sum(m[i]) = 4.
The vector of unknowns of length mstar=4 is z(x) = [ φ(x), φ'(x), ψ(x), ψ'(x)].
The differential equation is expressed as
[φ''(x), ψ''(x)]
=[z_1/x^2 - z_2/x + (z_1-z_3 (1-z_1/x) - γ x (1-x^2/2))/(ε^4/μ), z_3/x^2 - z_4/x + z_1 (1-z_1/(2x))/μ]
There are four boundary conditions given by list zeta and function G(z_1,z_2,z_3,z_4).
j | zeta[j] | Condition | g[j] |
1 | 0.0 | φ = 0 | z_1 |
2 | 0.0 | x ψ' - 0.3 ψ + 0.7 x = 0 | z_3 |
3 | 1.0 | φ = 0 | z_1 |
4 | 1.0 | x ψ' - 0.3 ψ + 0.7 x = 0 | z_4 - 0.3 z_3 + 0.7 |
giving zeta=[0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0] and G(z_1,z_2,z_3,z_4)=[z_1, z_3, z_1, z_4-0.3*z_3+0.7]
Note that x is not an argument of function G. The value of x=zeta[j] must be substituted.
(%i1) load("colnew")$
(%i2) /* Define constants */ gamma : 1.1; (%o2) 1.1
(%i3) eps : 0.01; (%o3) 0.01
(%i4) dmu : eps; (%o4) 0.01
(%i5) eps4mu : eps^4/dmu; (%o5) 1.0e-6
(%i6) xt : sqrt(2*(gamma-1)/gamma); (%o6) 0.42640143271122105
(%i7) /* Number of differential equations */ ncomp : 2; (%o7) 2
(%i8) /* Orders */ m : [2, 2]; (%o8) [2, 2]
(%i9) /* Interval ends */ aleft : 0.0; (%o9) 0.0
(%i10) aright : 1.0; (%o10) 1.0
(%i11) /* Locations of side conditions */ zeta : float([0, 0, 1, 1])$
(%i12) /* Set up parameter array. */ ipar : makelist(0,k,1,11); (%o12) [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
(%i13) /* Non-linear prob */ ipar[1] : 1; (%o13) 1
(%i14) /* 4 collocation points per subinterval */ ipar[2] : 4; (%o14) 4
(%i15) /* Initial uniform mesh of 10 subintervals */ ipar[3] : 10; (%o15) 10
(%i16) ipar[8] : 0; (%o16) 0
(%i17) /* Size of fspace, ispace */ ipar[5] : 40000; (%o17) 40000
(%i18) ipar[6] : 2500; (%o18) 2500
(%i19) /* No output */ ipar[7] : 1; (%o19) 1
(%i20) /* No initial approx is provided */ ipar[9] : 0; (%o20) 0
(%i21) /* Regular problem */ ipar[10] : 0; (%o21) 0
(%i22) /* No fixed points in mesh */ ipar[11] : 0; (%o22) 0
(%i23) /* Tolerances on all components */ ipar[4] : 4; (%o23) 4
(%i24) /* Tolerances on all four components */ ltol : [1, 2, 3, 4]; (%o24) [1, 2, 3, 4]
(%i25) tol : [1d-5, 1d-5, 1d-5, 1d-5]; (%o25) [1.0e-5, 1.0e-5, 1.0e-5, 1.0e-5]
(%i26) fspace : makelist(0d0, k, 1, ipar[5])$ (%i27) ispace : makelist(0, k, 1, ipar[6])$
(%i28) fixpnt : []$
(%i29) /* Define the equations */ fsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4) := [z1/x/x - z2/x + (z1-z3*(1-z1/x) - gamma*x*(1-x*x/2))/eps4mu, z3/x/x - z4/x + z1*(1-z1/2/x)/dmu]; (%o29) fsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4) := z1 z1 x x -- z1 - z3 (1 - --) + (- gamma) x (1 - ---) x z2 x 2 [-- - -- + ----------------------------------------, x x eps4mu z1 -- z3 2 -- z1 (1 - --) x z4 x -- - -- + -----------] x x dmu
(%i30) df : jacobian(fsub(x,z1, z2, z3, z4),[z1,z2,z3,z4]); (%o30) [ z3 1 1 z1 ] [ 1000000.0 (-- + 1) + -- - - 1000000.0 (-- - 1) 0 ] [ x 2 x x ] [ x ] [ ] [ z1 50.0 z1 1 1 ] [ 100.0 (1 - ---) - ------- 0 -- - - ] [ 2 x x 2 x ] [ x ]
(%i31) dfsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['x=x,'z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], df); (%o31) dfsub(x, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['x = x, 'z1 = z1, 'z2 = z2, 'z3 = z3, 'z4 = z4], df)
(%i32) g(z1, z2, z3, z4) := [z1, z3, z1, z4 - 0.3*z3 + .7]; (%o32) g(z1, z2, z3, z4) := [z1, z3, z1, z4 - 0.3 z3 + 0.7]
(%i33) gsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], g(z1, z2, z3, z4)[i]); (%o33) gsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1 = z1, 'z2 = z2, 'z3 = z3, 'z4 = z4], g(z1, z2, z3, z4) ) i
(%i34) dg:jacobian(g(z1, z2, z3, z4), [z1,z2,z3,z4]); [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ ] [ 0 0 1 0 ] (%o34) [ ] [ 1 0 0 0 ] [ ] [ 0 0 - 0.3 1 ]
(%i35) dgsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1=z1,'z2=z2,'z3=z3,'z4=z4], row(dg, i)[1]); (%o35) dgsub(i, z1, z2, z3, z4) := subst(['z1 = z1, 'z2 = z2, 'z3 = z3, 'z4 = z4], row(dg, i) ) 1
(%i36) /* Initial approximation function for second run */ solutn(x) := block([cons : gamma*x*(1-0.5*x*x), dcons : gamma*(1-1.5*x*x), d2cons : -3*gamma*x], if is(x > xt) then [[0, 0, -cons, -dcons], [0, -d2cons]] else [[2*x, 2, -2*x + cons, -2 + dcons], [0, d2cons]]); (%o36) solutn(x) := block([cons : gamma x (1 - 0.5 x x), dcons : gamma (1 - 1.5 x x), d2cons : - 3 gamma x], if is(x > xt) then [[0, 0, - cons, - dcons], [0, - d2cons]] else [[2 x, 2, - 2 x + cons, - 2 + dcons], [0, d2cons]])
(%i37) /* First run with default initial guess */ [iflag, fspace, ispace] : colnew_expert(ncomp, m, aleft, aright, zeta, ipar, ltol, tol, fixpnt, ispace, fspace, 0, fsub, dfsub, gsub, dgsub, dummy)$
(%i38) /* Check return status iflag, 1 = success */ iflag; (%o38) 1
(%i39) /* Print values of solution at x = 0,.05,...,1 */ x : 0; (%o39) 0
(%i40) for j : 1 thru 21 do block([], zval : colnew_appsln([x], 4, fspace, ispace)[1], printf(true, "~5,2f ~{~15,5e~}~%", x, zval), x : x + 0.05); 0.00 0.00000E+0 4.73042E-2 -3.39927E-32 -1.10497E+0 0.05 2.36520E-3 4.73037E-2 -5.51761E-2 -1.10064E+0 0.10 4.73037E-3 4.73030E-2 -1.09919E-1 -1.08765E+0 0.15 7.09551E-3 4.73030E-2 -1.63796E-1 -1.06600E+0 0.20 9.46069E-3 4.73039E-2 -2.16375E-1 -1.03569E+0 0.25 1.18259E-2 4.73040E-2 -2.67221E-1 -9.96720E-1 0.30 1.41911E-2 4.73020E-2 -3.15902E-1 -9.49092E-1 0.35 1.65562E-2 4.72980E-2 -3.61986E-1 -8.92804E-1 0.40 1.89215E-2 4.72993E-2 -4.05038E-1 -8.27857E-1 0.45 2.12850E-2 4.72138E-2 -4.44627E-1 -7.54252E-1 0.50 2.36370E-2 4.67629E-2 -4.80320E-1 -6.72014E-1 0.55 2.59431E-2 4.51902E-2 -5.11686E-1 -5.81260E-1 0.60 2.81093E-2 4.07535E-2 -5.38310E-1 -4.82374E-1 0.65 2.99126E-2 2.98538E-2 -5.59805E-1 -3.76416E-1 0.70 3.08743E-2 5.53985E-3 -5.75875E-1 -2.65952E-1 0.75 3.00326E-2 -4.51680E-2 -5.86417E-1 -1.56670E-1 0.80 2.55239E-2 -1.46617E-1 -5.91753E-1 -6.04539E-2 0.85 1.37512E-2 -3.46952E-1 -5.93069E-1 -1.40102E-3 0.90 -1.25155E-2 -7.52826E-1 -5.93303E-1 -2.86234E-2 0.95 -6.94274E-2 -1.65084E+0 -5.99062E-1 -2.48115E-1 1.00 2.64233E-14 1.19263E+2 -6.25420E-1 -8.87626E-1 (%o40) done
(%i41) /* Second run with initial guess */ ipar[9] : 1; (%o41) 1
(%i42) [iflag, fspace, ispace] : colnew_expert(ncomp, m, aleft, aright, zeta, ipar, ltol, tol, fixpnt, ispace, fspace, 0, fsub, dfsub, gsub, dgsub, solutn)$
(%i43) /* Check return status iflag, 1 = success */ iflag; (%o43) 1
(%i44) /* Print values of solution at x = 0,.05,...,1 */ x : 0; (%o44) 0
(%i45) for j : 1 thru 21 do block([], zval : colnew_appsln([x], 4, fspace, ispace)[1], printf(true, "~5,2f ~{~15,5e~}~%", x, zval), x : x + 0.05); 0.00 0.00000E+0 2.04139E+0 0.00000E+0 -9.03975E-1 0.05 1.02070E-1 2.04139E+0 -4.52648E-2 -9.07936E-1 0.10 2.04139E-1 2.04139E+0 -9.09256E-2 -9.19819E-1 0.15 3.06209E-1 2.04140E+0 -1.37379E-1 -9.39624E-1 0.20 4.08279E-1 2.04141E+0 -1.85020E-1 -9.67352E-1 0.25 5.10351E-1 2.04152E+0 -2.34246E-1 -1.00301E+0 0.30 6.12448E-1 2.04303E+0 -2.85454E-1 -1.04663E+0 0.35 7.15276E-1 2.10661E+0 -3.39053E-1 -1.09916E+0 0.40 8.32131E-1 -2.45181E-1 -3.96124E-1 -1.20544E+0 0.45 1.77510E-2 -3.57554E+0 -4.45400E-1 -7.13543E-1 0.50 2.25122E-2 1.23608E-1 -4.80360E-1 -6.70074E-1 0.55 2.58693E-2 4.85257E-2 -5.11692E-1 -5.81075E-1 0.60 2.80994E-2 4.11112E-2 -5.38311E-1 -4.82343E-1 0.65 2.99107E-2 2.99116E-2 -5.59805E-1 -3.76409E-1 0.70 3.08739E-2 5.55200E-3 -5.75875E-1 -2.65950E-1 0.75 3.00325E-2 -4.51649E-2 -5.86417E-1 -1.56669E-1 0.80 2.55239E-2 -1.46616E-1 -5.91753E-1 -6.04538E-2 0.85 1.37512E-2 -3.46952E-1 -5.93069E-1 -1.40094E-3 0.90 -1.25155E-2 -7.52826E-1 -5.93303E-1 -2.86233E-2 0.95 -6.94274E-2 -1.65084E+0 -5.99062E-1 -2.48115E-1 1.00 2.65413E-14 1.19263E+2 -6.25420E-1 -8.87626E-1 (%o45) done
Columns 1 (x) and 2 (φ) of the two sets of results above, and the figure below, can be compared with Figure 1 in Ascher 1981a.
Example 3 from Ascher 1981a describes the velocities in the boundary layer produced by the rotating flow of a viscous incompressible fluid over a stationary infinite disk (see Gawain&Ball 1978).
The solution uses a number of techniques to obtain convergence. Refer to Ascher 1981a for details.
The code is in directory share/colnew. The maxima code is in file prob3.mac. The reference Fortran implementation is in directory ex3.
A more sophisticated example is Bellon&Talon 2005, which deals with singularities in the solution domain, provides an initial quess to the solution and uses continuation to solve the system of non-linear differential equations.
The code is in directory share/colnew. The maxima code is in file prob4.mac. The Fortran implementation is in directory ex4.
This example (see Ascher et al, 1995, Example 9.2) solves a numerically difficult boundary value problem using continuation.
The linear differential equation is
with boundary conditions
The exact solution is
When ε is small the solution has a rapid transition near x=0 and is difficult to solve numerically. COLNEW is able to solve the problem for directly for ε=1.0e-6, but here we will use continuation to solve it succesively for ε=[1e-2,1e-3,1e-4,1e-5,1e-6].
There is nconc = 1 differential equation of second order. The list of orders m = [2] and mstar = sum(m[j]) = 2.
The unknown vector of length mstar is z(x) = [z_1(x),z_2(x)] = [u(x),u'(x)].
The differential equation is expressed as [u''(x)] = F(x,z_1,z_2) = [-(x/ε)z_2 - π^2cos(πx) - (πx/ε)sin(πx)]
There are mstar=2 boundary conditions. They are given by a function G(z_1,z_2) that returns a list of length mstar. The j-th boundary condition applies at x = zeta[j] and is satisfied when g[j] = 0. We have
j | zeta[j] | Condition | g[j] |
1 | -1.0 | u=-2 | z_1+2 |
2 | 1.0 | u=0 | z_1 |
giving zeta = [-1.0,1,0] and G(z_1,z_2) = [z_1+2, z_1].
The Jacobians df and dg of f and g respectively are determined symbolically.
The ODE will be solved for multiple values of ε. The functions fsub, dfsub, gsub and dgsub are defined before e is set, so that it can be changed in the program.
(%i1) load("colnew")$ (%i2) kill(e,x,z1,z2)$
(%i3) /* Exact solution */ exact(x):=cos(%pi*x)+erf(x/sqrt(2*e))/erf(1/sqrt(2*e))$
(%i4) /* Define the equations. Do this before e is defined */ f: [-(x/e)*z2 - %pi^2*cos(%pi*x) - (%pi*x/e)*sin(%pi*x)]; x z2 %pi x sin(%pi x) 2 (%o4) [- ---- - ---------------- - %pi cos(%pi x)] e e
(%i5) define(fsub(x,z1,z2),f); x z2 %pi x sin(%pi x) (%o5) fsub(x, z1, z2) := [- ---- - ---------------- e e 2 - %pi cos(%pi x)]
(%i6) df: jacobian(f,[z1,z2]); [ x ] (%o6) [ 0 - - ] [ e ]
(%i7) define(dfsub(x,z1,z2),df); [ x ] (%o7) dfsub(x, z1, z2) := [ 0 - - ] [ e ]
(%i8) /* Build the functions gsub and dgsub Use define and buildq to remove dependence on g and dg */ g: [z1+2,z1]; (%o8) [z1 + 2, z1]
(%i9) define(gsub(i,z1,z2),buildq([g],g[i])); (%o9) gsub(i, z1, z2) := [z1 + 2, z1] i
(%i10) dg: jacobian(g,[z1,z2]); [ 1 0 ] (%o10) [ ] [ 1 0 ]
(%i11) define( dgsub(i,z1,z2), buildq([val:makelist(dg[i],i,1,length(dg))],block([dg:val],dg[i]))); (%o11) dgsub(i, z1, z2) := block([dg : [[1, 0], [1, 0]]], dg ) i
(%i12) /* Define constant epsilon */ e : 0.01$
(%i13) /* Number of differential equations */ ncomp : 1$
(%i14) /* Orders */ m : [2]$
(%i15) /* Interval ends */ aleft:-1.0$
(%i16) aright:1.0$
(%i17) /* Locations of side conditions */ zeta : float([-1, 1])$
(%i18) /* Set up parameter array. */ ipar : makelist(0,k,1,11)$
(%i19) /* linear prob */ ipar[1] : 0$
(%i20) /* 5 collocation points per subinterval */ ipar[2] : 5$
(%i21) /* Initial uniform mesh of 1 subintervals */ ipar[3] : 1$
(%i22) ipar[8] : 0$
(%i23) /* Size of fspace, ispace */ ipar[5] : 10000$
(%i24) ipar[6] : 1000$
(%i25) /* No output. Don't do this for development. */ ipar[7]:1$
(%i26) /* No initial guess is provided */ ipar[9] : 0$
(%i27) /* Regular problem */ ipar[10] : 0$
(%i28) /* No fixed points in mesh */ ipar[11] : 0$
(%i29) /* Tolerances on two components */ ipar[4] : 2$
(%i30) /* Two error tolerances (on u and its derivative) Relatively large tolerances to keep the example small */ ltol : [1, 2]$
(%i31) tol : [1e-4, 1e-4]$ (%i32) fspace : makelist(0e0, k, 1, ipar[5])$ (%i33) ispace : makelist(0, k, 1, ipar[6])$ (%i34) fixpnt : []$
(%i35) /* First run with default initial guess. Returns iflag. 1 = success */ ([iflag, fspace, ispace] : colnew_expert(ncomp, m, aleft, aright, zeta, ipar, ltol, tol, fixpnt, ispace, fspace, 0, fsub, dfsub, gsub, dgsub, dummy), if (iflag#1) then error("On return from colnew_expert: iflag = ",iflag), iflag); (%o35) 1
(%i36) /* Function to generate equally spaced list of values */ xlist(xmin,xmax,n):=block([dx:(xmax-xmin)/n],makelist(i,i,0,n)*dx+xmin)$
(%i37) /* x values for solution. Cluster around x=0 */ X: xlist(aleft,aright,500)$
(%i38) /* Generate solution values for z1=u(x) */ ans:colnew_appsln(X,2,fspace,ispace)$
(%i39) z:maplist(first,ans)$ (%i40) Z:[z]$
(%i41) /* Compare with exact solution and report */ y:float(map(exact,X))$
(%i42) maxerror:apply(max,abs(y-z)); (%o42) 6.881499912125832e-7
(%i43) printf(true," e: ~8,3e iflag ~3d Mesh size ~3d max error ~8,3e~%", e,iflag,ispace[1],maxerror); e: 1.000E-2 iflag 1 Mesh size 16 max error 6.881E-7 (%o43) false
(%i44) /* Now use continuation to solve for progressively smaller e Use previous solution as initial guess and every second point from previous mesh as initial mesh */ ipar[9] : 3$
(%i45) /* Run COLNEW using continuation for new value of e Set new mesh size ipar[3] from previous size ispace[1] Push list of values of z1=u(x) on to list Z */ run_it(e_):=block( e:e_, ipar[3]:ispace[1], [iflag, fspace, ispace]: colnew_expert(ncomp,m,aleft,aright,zeta,ipar,ltol,tol,fixpnt, ispace,fspace,0,fsub,dfsub,gsub,dgsub,dummy), if (iflag#1) then error("On return from colnew_expert: iflag =",iflag), ans:colnew_appsln(X,2,fspace,ispace), z:maplist(first,ans), push(z,Z), y:float(map(exact,X)), maxerror:apply(max,abs(y-z)), printf(true," e: ~8,3e iflag ~3d Mesh size ~3d max error ~8,3e~%", e,iflag,ispace[1],maxerror), iflag )$
(%i46) for e_ in [1e-3,1e-4,1e-5,1e-6] do run_it(e_)$ e: 1.000E-3 iflag 1 Mesh size 20 max error 3.217E-7 e: 1.000E-4 iflag 1 Mesh size 40 max error 3.835E-7 e: 1.000E-5 iflag 1 Mesh size 38 max error 8.690E-9 e: 1.000E-6 iflag 1 Mesh size 60 max error 6.313E-7
(%i47) /* Z is list of solutions z1 = u(x). Restore order. */ Z:reverse(Z)$
(%i48) /* Plot z1=u(x) for each value of e plot2d([ [discrete,X,Z[1]], [discrete,X,Z[2]], [discrete,X,Z[3]], [discrete,X,Z[4]], [discrete,X,Z[5]]], [legend,"e=1e-2","e=1e-3","e=1e-4","e=1e-5","e=1e-6"], [xlabel,"x"],[ylabel,"u(x)"], [png_file,"./colnew-ex5.png"]); */ done$
The figure below shows the solution for ε=[10^{-2},10^{-3},10^{-4},10^{-5},10^{-6}].
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